W rozdziale:
The generic use of the zero article banda czworga pisze:
Cytat: name
Man and woman meaning ‘the male/female part of the human race’ are now less often used in a generic sense:
Woman is the glory of all created existence. (S. Richardson)
Because of objections to the generic use of man, other expressions are often preferred: humankind, the human race, etc.
Parallel structures make a special case; note that man and woman, man and wife do not refer to the human race:
Man and rabbit display remarkable similar features in mating behaviour.
But the following is unacceptable except in technical, scientific use:
*Rabbit displays similar features to man.
Nie rozumiem o co chodzi z brakiem przedimka w przykładzie
Man and rabbit .... O ‘parallel structures[/i] piszą:
Cytat: name
There is a tendency to omit the article, even with singular count nouns, where two nouns are placed together in a parallel structure.
Such parallel structures are virtually idioms exemplifying ‘frozen’ article use.
oraz z internetu:
Cytat: name
What is Parallel Structure?
Single words, multi-word phrases and clauses can be made parallel by ensuring each item is equal.
Man and rabbit traktuje się jako
parallel structure a np :
Accountant and goat went to the forest.
nie? Brakuje przedimka, zgadza się?
Czy chodzi o to, że zarówno
man jak i
rabbit mają tutaj
generic meaning?
Nie rozumiem też
scientific use of ‘rabbit’ w ostatnim przykładzie.
Pomożecie, proszę?