tutaj jest pare przekladow uzycia ze słowem "bus" bo wystepuje czesciej:
In the bus going to the airport she looked around her to see what sort of people went to Rome in April
And I was the last man off of 17,000 because I was still
in the bus when they all went to the start.'
The wheels
on the bus go round and round # All day long # Other verses are: # The babies on the bus go' Wah wah wah',
We have been eating together quite a bit, and also travelling to the University together
on the bus
Infant teacher has it and asks me to make sure that the Head of Primary knows that one of the children had a fit
on the bus this morning.
Tertiary industries do not make any product but provide services for people or for other industries; e.g. milk delivery, taxi drivers and librarians. In which category of industry does each person
in the bus queue belong?
Who is he? " Melinda asked. " I don't know, " I said. " I met him in the toilet at the bus station. " Back
in the bus, hot winds. blew through the windows.
Widać, że wiele zalezy od osoby mówiącej czy ma na mysli "bus" jaka wyłącznie środek transportu i przemieszczanie sie, czy zamknieta przestrzen.