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(not) Lazy Holiday!
Holidays, It is a period to relax and take care of yourself. Somebody prefer spend time with their friends or visiting amazing place on the world. It’s time to rest, but not for everyone!
During the last holiday I applied for a job in beautiful seaside resort “Sunny Freedom”. When I got them, I was really happy and exciting. In first day I got to know about my responsibilities. I had to take care of kids and playing with them of many interesting games in playroom or outdoor activities. However, it wasn’t too hard for me and they didn’t take too much time so I was helping in small work in resort. Sometimes I was cleaning rooms or swimming pools.
This job gave me a unique chance to check my skills in talking with kinds and interest them what we are doing. For three weeks I meet many open-minded and loveable people and workmates. I learnt more about this kind of job, and now I appreciate peoples who work in hotel or resort. In my opinion spend time like this give you more experience, memories and broaden your horizons and knowledge.
To be honest, it was the best weeks of my life! To sum up I recommend this form of leisure for everyone who wants spend holidays don’t be lazy and of course take a little money.

W czasie wakacji podjąłeś/podjęłaś pracę w nadmorskim kurorcie. Napisz artykuł na stronę internetową szkoły, w którym zrelacjonujesz przebieg wyjazdu oraz przedstawisz i uzasadnisz swoją opinię na temat takiego sposobu spędzania wakacji, opisując doświadczenia własne lub kolegów i koleżanek.
masz troche pracy do analizy
(not) (duza litera) Lazy Holiday(s)!
Holidays, It (niepotrzebne) is a period (czas) to relax and take care of yourself. Somebody(niektorzy ludzie) prefer (nie podajesz porwnania co wolisz od czego, uzyj czasownika tłumaczenie "długi") spend time with their friends or visiting(bezokolicznik) amazing place on (inny przyimek) the world. It’s (przedimek) time to rest,(jest szczegolnie uzywane po wysilku, moze zrelaksowac sie) but not for everyone!
During the last holiday(s) I applied for a job in )przedimek) beautiful seaside resort “Sunny Freedom”. When I got them(tam?), I was really happy and exciting(inna forma). In (inny przyimek, potem przedimek) first day I got to know(musiałem sie "nauczać""learn") about my responsibilities. I had to (własnie to daj wyzej) take care of kids and playing(forma) with them of many interesting games(dwa slowa wczesniej) in (przedime) playroom or outdoor(s) activities. However, it wasn’t too hard for me (dokoncz) and they didn’t take too much time (to ...) so I was helping(doing) in small(light) work in (przed.) resort. Sometimes I was cleaning (past simple) rooms or swimming pools.


Pomoc językowa - tłumaczenia


Pomoc językowa - tłumaczenia