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We all know a value of learning. This is something without which we do not exist in the world. Unfortunately, on our world are still countries where access to education is difficult or impossible- especially for women. Fortunately we have people like Razia Jan who fight for education in the Afghanistan.

Jan grew up in the Afghanistan, but she went aboard to get an education. During her absence in her country the new government took power. The government discriminated women. Jan opened the single-decker school for girls from youth to 18 years. Girls learned basic subjects such as maths or native language but also that they have the rights to freedom and they should decide about themselves.

Razia Jan shows that possession of knowledge is very important in human life. It allows to make rational decisions and live as we want to live.
a value of learning- jest blad
on our world- jest blad
the Afghanistan- jest blad
aboard- jest blad
single-decker school? skad ten termin?
from youth to 18 years- wymaga poprawy
girls learned- uczyly sie czy nauczyly sie?
maths? co to ma znaczyc?
native language? uczyly sie swojego ojczystego jezyka? moze pisac albo czytac w tym jezyku
but also that they have the rights

powtorz ze sie uczyly
Razia Jan shows- moze jej przypadek ukazuje?
It allows- komu?
live as we want- ja bym dala "the way we want"
During her absence in her country the new government took power. ja bym dał inny szyk albo inny przyimek.
edytowany przez Aaric: 22 mar 2017
We all know a ZLY PRZEDIMEK value of learning. This is something without which we do not exist in the world. Unfortunately, on WCZESNIEJ DOBRZE, TERAZ ZLE our world are ZLY SZYK ZDANIA, UZYJ 'THERE ARE' still countries where access to education is difficult or impossible- especially for women. Fortunately we have people like Razia Jan JEZELI TO ZDANIE MA OPISYWAC TE KONKRETNA OSOBE, ZASTANOW SIE NAD INTERPUNKCJA who fight JEZELI DO DOTYCZY TEJ OSOBY, TO JEST ZLA FORMA CZASOWNIKA for education in the Afghanistan.JAKA JEST REGULKA NA PRZEDIMKI PRZED NAZWAMI KRAJOW

Jan grew up in the Afghanistan ZNOWU, but she went aboard =NA POKLAD to get an education. During her absence in her country MOZESZ NAPISAC: KIEDY BYLA ZA GRANICA the ZLY PRZEDIMEK new government took power. The government discriminated AGAINST women. Jan opened the KTORA, JA JEJ NIE ZNAM single-decker CO TO ZNACZY, TO SLOWO DOTYCZY NP. AUTOBUSOW school for girls from youth OD MLODOSCI? to 18 years. Girls learned basic subjects such as maths or native language but also LEARNED that they have the rights JEDNO PRAWO to freedom and they should decide about themselves.

Razia Jan shows P. SUGESTIA CHIPPY that possession of knowledge is very important in human life. It allows KOGO, MUSI BYC NAPISANE KOGO to make rational decisions and live as we want to live.
Ja mam pytanie do Panow:
Czy zamiast pierwsze learned (basic subjects) nie dac studied?
tu raczej jestesmy na ty

tak studied pasuje do maths, ale nie pasuje do 'to write and read their native language'
Tak. Chodzilo mi studied basic subjects. A ten native language to chyba nie jest jej native language tylko jezyk tego kraju do ktorego pojechala ( z tekstu srednio wynika), a wtedy chyba mozna by podpiac, tylko trzeba by zmienic cale zdanie. Ja najpierw zrozumialam ze to byl jej jezyk i stad zaproponowalam reading and writing. Learned ma dla dla mnie troche taki wydzwiek bardziej definitywny ze sie nauczyla a nie ze w szkole uczyla sie tego czy tamtego.
jak wrocila do siebie, otworzyla szkole
Ano fakt. To uczyly sie czytac i pisac.
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.