Tłumaczenie tematu pracy inżynierskiej

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
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Muszę jutro oddać pracę inżynierską. Temat miałam poprawiany i nie wiem jak go dobrze przetłumaczyć, dlatego proszę o pomoc. Temat brzmi: Koncepcja zastosowania metod Lean manufacturing w zarządzaniu procesem produkcyjnym spawalni w wybranym przedsiębiorstwie.
Tłumaczenie mam takie: The concept of application of Lean manufacturing methods for (in?) managing a welding production process in a selected company.
Co poprawić?
zastanawiam sie miedzy application vs implementing
sklonilabym sie do in managing
gerund nie pasuje do conception
a plan for implementing/implementation - to juz lepiej
Ale czy application czy implementation w tym kontekscie praktyczno-technicznym ?
From my point of view, this is a perfect example of academic writing. This is not a compliment.
Where are the verbs?
I'd redraft it to be the following:

The concept of applying Lean manufacturing methods to manage ...
... a welding production process in a selected company. (If there is possibly more than one welding production process, or you're being non-specific)
... the welding production process in a selected company. (If there is only one WPP or the WPP is specific enough to be identified in itself).

Concept to nie znaczy 'koncepcja', a 'to manage' znaczy 'aby zarządzać', a nie 'w zarządzaniu'.
I'll admit I didn't read the Polish, I was drawn straight to the English :)

But bearing in mind the comments above, my redraft would be:
A/The plan to implement the application of Lean manufacturing methods in managing a/the WPP in a selected company.

I really hate nominalisations...
how can you 'implement the application of a method'
'implement/ation(ing)' would replace 'application'

also, 'a plan to implement', to me, cannot really be described in any detail as required in a diploma thesis.
'we had a plan to implement LMM' means nothing more than 'we wanted to implement LMM'

I agree that 'the welding...' should be used instead of 'a welding...'
re: "implementation the application of", I wholehearted agree with you - more than likely if I got this in a document to proof-read I would make the change. But, contextually, this is a specific technical issue being discussed as therefore might warrant the nominalisation. If you google "implementation the application of" looking for that exact phrase you get over 48 million hits. Whilst a lot of these (no, I'm not going to check :) ) are improper use of nominalisations, I'd suggest that the idea of using this phrase is not that unusual.

Re: 'A plan to', I assumed this was title to the thesis/report/whatever it is. Once again, I'll admit to not analysing the Polish request for what was actually needed in any great detail. In a business context 'we had a plan to' is a bit more convincing then simply 'we wanted to', as plan suggests structure, planning, organisation etc. But in other contexts I take your point.
Cytat: SimonPorter
. If you google "implementation the application of" looking for that exact phrase you get over 48 million hits.

I have
How can it have 48 million hits when it isn't even grammatically correct?
it says 3 million or so hits on the first page, but shows links to four query pages only (i.e. those shown at the bottom of the page). When you click on page 4, it turns out that there are no hits on that page and there are only 19 hits in total, and none of these is a syntactic unit.
"implementation of the application of" gets 3 hits.

what Google are you using? :-)
zerkniesz na priv?
Sorry, typo on my side. google.co.uk "implement the application of" = 48.3 million hits.
And yet 48.3 million hits brings up only 2 pages ... strange.

Maybe it's not so popular after all :)
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