review of The Little Prince & others

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Zamieszczam recenzję "Małego Księcia" Exupery'ego. Za wszelkie poprawki z góry dzięki.

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"The Little Prince" is the most popular of the books written by Antoine de Saint-Exupery. It was published in 1943. In a short time, the book was a great success and the French writer became famous. People came to love the Exupery's story. It was translated to a lot of languages, published in hundreds countries and in millions copies. The story of the Little Prince went round all over-the-world and it is still very popular.

"The Little Prince" is a beautiful story about amazing friendship between two people - an adult pilot, which crashed his plane in the Desert of Sahara, and a little boy, who comes from faraway planet called B-612. The beginning of this friendship is extraordinary. In the uninhabited desert, unknown from where, there appears a child. It isn't a tired, thirsty or fear. The boy has only one wish... He ask the pilot to draw him a sheep.

Next, the Little Prince talks about his journey. He says how he got to the Earth and what kind of characters he met on the another planets. He visited a planet where lived a drunkard which was drank because he was ashamed of his own drunkenness. On the other planet the Little Prince met a king who gave an orders all the time despite he hadn't any one subject. He met also a geographer who gave him advice to visited the Earth...

On the one hand Exupery's story is a beautiful tale where the reality is mixed with fiction. There are presented a two types of characters and we can notice a contrast between them. The pilot represents an adults - maybe he is not a typical adult because when he was a child he was like the Little Prince, he had an imagination and a dreams. However he stopped dream... The second type is the Little Prince. He is trusting, friendly, truthful. The most important for him is not "how much sb earns?" but "how sb is?".

In the Little Prince's stories we can see the painful truth about ourselves. The plot of story is not complicated because the most important there is the question "what is the real essence of our life?". Today we are interested just in money and work and we forgot about our former values like friendship. So this is the most important reason for reading this book by adults.

For children: beautiful, interesting and funny tale about the boy who looks a friend. For adults: short, well-written and edifying story about themselves. So... this is the book good for everybody, everywhere and in every age. I recommend it!
za długie... ? czy wszyscy Tryn oglądają? ;]
Ja film oglądam. A Ty wyluzuj troche :) sobota jest, siódmy dzień tygodnia, dzień odpoczynku.
A co to jest Tryn?
Eva74, to jak Ty te dni liczysz?
>A co to jest Tryn?

ja bym zamiast mixed dał does blend with fiction
">Jventus" Acha, dobrze wiedziec. Z telawizja widuje sie zadko. Czesciej z telewizorem. Jak przechodze przez pokoj to patrzy tak jakos z wyrzutem na mnie. Udaje, ze tego nie widze.
Przepraszam bardzo Eva ;] Ale nie wiesz, że my - kujony z ulizanymi włosami, przedziałkami na czołem, okularami kaliber 5,5cm, chodzący w mundurkach, nieznający słowa "odpoczynek" we krwi mamy zamartwianie się o nasze prace? ;]

Jeszcze nie dostałbym "piąteczki"... i co? Przecież życie straciłoby sens... I tak częst mam koszmary senne: widzę siebie (typowy kujonek), idę do tablicy (nie przechodzę przez START, nie otrzymuje premii 400$), jąkam się, nie wiem... dostaję (o zgrozo!) 4- ! ! ! I wtedy budze zlanny potem, poprawiam przedziałek, ale już się nie kładę, tylko powtarzam do rana...

A tak serio to, co za film oglądasz? ;]
"People came to love the Exupery's story"

came IN love
Nie zmieniaj dobrego na bledne.
came TO love
przychodzi tu taki co nie ma konta..i myśli że wszystko wie...ale napotkał na grupę pod WEZWANIEM..która się nie da nieukom :DDD
Eva74 jesteś na kompie a czemu nie ma cię na gg?
ok, ok... o'matko... powiem Chuck'owi, że robicie mu konkurencję... strażnicy teksasu... :P
"The Little Prince", published in 1943, is Antoine de Saint-Exupéry's most popular book. It was a great success and made the writer famous. People all over the world came to love Exupéry's story. The book was translated into many languages and millions of copies have been sold around the world.

Dalej mi się niestety nie chce.
Bo nie lubię. I nic na to nie poradzę.
OK ;] i tak bardzo Ci dziękuję. Mi też się tego nie chce czytać drugi raz, choć przecież to moja praca ;)

(siemasz Lukaszeczek...)
siemasz:) czemu cię tak długo nie było
ech... widzisz, tak jakoś wyszło ;] musiałem na jakiś czas odstawić angielski, ale ostatnio poczułem, że znowu nic nie umiem... so here I am
>story of the Little Prince went round all over-the-world and it is
>still very popular.
The story of thE Little Prince HAS REACHED THE READERS all over the world and it is still....

>"The Little Prince" is a beautiful story about amazing friendship
AN amazing friendship

>Desert of Sahara, and a little boy, who comes from faraway planet
from A faraway planet

>the uninhabited desert, unknown from where, there appears a child.
(FROM) OUT OF THE BLUE, there appears a child in the unhibited desert.

>isn't a tired, thirsty or fear. The boy has only one wish... He ask
isn't tired, thirsty or SCARED.The boy(...)He askS

>the Earth and what kind of characters he met on the another planets.
..on the OTHER planets.

>He visited a planet where lived a drunkard which was drank because
..where THERE lived...WHO

>Prince met a king who gave an orders all the time despite he hadn't

A teraz juz ide spac.
Wielki dzięki :] & dobranoc
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