Matching verbs and adjectives - exercise

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Match a group of verbs 1-4 and a group of adjectives a-d to the nouns below.

1 accept, agree on, close, do, make, offer somebody, reach, reject, sign
2 authorize, cancel, chase, delay, fax through, meet, place, process, put in, receive, ship
3 accept, clarify, come up with, consider, drop, explore, outline, make, put forward, reject, revise, study, withdraw
4 allow somebody, ask for, be available at, be entitled to, get, negotiate, offer somebody, qualify for

a alternative, compromise, concrete, detailed, helpful, interesing, sensible, tentative, vaque
b cash, generous, good, huge, large, low, five percent, special, substantial, usual
c back, firm, initial, outstanding, regular, repeat, rush, special, urgent
d compromise, exclusive, fair, good, lucrative, major, package, two-year

order: 2c
discount: 4b
proposal: 3a
deal: 1d


1 extend, fix, have, impose, (fail to) meet, miss, pass, set, work to
2 accept, agree on/to, arrive at, come to, find, look for, make, offer, reach, seek, suggest
3 discuss, figure out, finalize, go into, go over, itemize, sort out, work out
4 extract, get, grant, make, offer, win

a brief, complete, complex, concrete, final, full, minor, practical, precise, rough, technical
b generous, important, key, limited, major, minor, significant, sizeable, substantial
c acceptable, fair, necessary, potential, reasonable, (un)satisfactory, sensible
d flexible, strict, tight

details: 3a
deadline: 1d
concession: 4b
compromise: 2c

Czy mógłby ktoś sprawdzić, czy dobrze zrobiłam to zadanie? Będę bardzo wdzięczna za pomoc i ewentualne poprawienie :)
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Cytat: Aaric
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Dzięki :-)


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