put the verbs in brackets into the correct passive form

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
między kropkami są moje odpowiedzi, poprawi mnie ktoś?

1.A: how did your exhibition go?
B: Fantastic! It (attended).....was attended....by over 300 people.

2.A: Why can't you touch the display?
B: Because it (house)...was house...in glass.

3.A: Why are you so stressed, Bill?
B: This piece.....has finished....(have to/finish) for the show next week.

4.A: I'll give you 10 for that bracelet.
B: Are you joking? This....made...(make) by hand.

5.A: When can we see his new paintings?
B: They .....will exhibit... (exhibit) next month at the art gallery.

6.A: Have you heard the news?
B: Yes, I heard a painting ..... is just stealing....(just/steal) from the museum
tylko 1 jest ok

w pozostalych sa bledy, ktore pokazuja, ze nie rozumiesz, jak sie tworzy strone bierna. Zajrzyj do podrecznika i popatrz na przykladowe zdania


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