###bardzo prosze o sprawdzenie###

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Czy moglby ktos to sprawdzic? Trzeba w puste miejsca wpisac brakujace wyrazy ale only one word for each space. Moje odpowiedzic umiescilam w nawiasach kwadratowych.

The forty-three inhabitants of Ptcairn Island situated (0)__[between] Australia and South America, not only make up (1)__[one] of the most remote communities on earth, they are (2)__[also] all related. Cousins, nephews, uncles and aunts live together on a patch of ground (3)__[much] bigger than London's Hyde Park. Pitcarin was uninhabited (4)__[till] when the mutineers from the British ship, the Bounty, settled there. A year earlier, the crew, led by Fletcher Christian, had rebelled (5)__[against] Captain William Bligh, setting him adrift in a small boat. The mutineers then sailed for Pitcairn (6)__[but] they found a safe refuge (7)__[in] British justice. For two decades no one knew what (8)__[had] happened to the Bounty and its crew, but in 1808 an American whaler called at the island (9)__[by] chance. Only one mutineer, John Adams, was still alive. Living with him on the island were ten women and twenty-three children. The (10)__[first] of the original settlers, (11)__[like] Fletcher Christian, had died violently or (12)__[of] disease. Nevertheless, the community has survived. Today, the islanders, (13)__[the] most common surname is Christian, are extremely proud of having descended (14)__[from] those twenty-seven British seamen who mutinied on the Bounty (15)__[more] than two hundred years ago.
3. - "no": "no bigger than"

6. "where"

7. "from"

10. "rest"

11. "including"

13. "whose"
to znowu ja:) widze ze sie na forum pojawili znawcy angielskiego wiec moze jeszcze ktos na to spojrzy
dzieki sobar - nie to ze nie ufam Twojej wiedzy ale chcialabym aby ktos jeszcze raz na to rzucil okiem bo moze zauwazy jeszcze jakis blad:)
sluchaj Sobara
tak jest :) thx


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