==huge PROBLEM==

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
rozwiazalam juz kilka takich zadan i prosilam o sprawdzenie i raczej wiekszosc byla dobrze, ale z tym mam na prawde duzy problem. Moglby ktos mi pomoc bo nie moge sie doszukac wiecej bledow? (wyrazy ktore nalezy ominac pisze drukowanymi literami, a zdania bezbledne oznaczam+)

0. In 1853, a 24-year-old immigrant from Bavaria WAS named Levi
00. Strauss arrived in San Francisco, intending to make his fortune by +
1. selling out supplies to the throngs of miners who arrived daily in the +
2. big city to outfit themselves before heading off TO the gold fields. Levi
3. came UP to be a well-known and respected figure around the city and
4. immersed himself in the buisness, cultural and religious life of San Francisco +
5. But despite of his stature he always insisted that his employees call +
6. him Levi AND not Mr. Strauss.In 1872, Levi received a letter from J.Davis,
7. a tailor from Nevada. Davis was one of THOSE Levi's regular customers
8. and HAD hit homself upon the ingenious idea of strenghtening jeans
9. with copper rivets. Legend has it made that Davis was fed up with +
10. repairing minres' trousers over and over again becouse they WERE filled
11. their pockets with heavy rock samples.Davis and Strauss patented UP a
12. method of 'fastening THE corners of pockets in wearing apparel in order
13. to prevent them from tearing' in 1873.By the time of the Strauss's death
14. in 1902, Levi's jeansWHICH had made their inventor a millionaire.But he
15. could hardly have guessed that by the 1970s, his heavy-duty work clothes +
16. would have to become fashionable garb for everyone, including princesses! +
2. TO musi zostać: heading off to the gold fields

6. AND musi zostać: he insisted....call him Levi and not Mr. Strauss (nalegal, zeby mowili do niego Levi, a nie Mr. Strauss)

9. legend has it MADE that - wyrzuć made

16. TO
To gorzej. wiersze do poprawy:

>2. big city to outfit themselves before heading off TO the gold
>fields. Levi

>5. But despite of his stature he always insisted that his employees
>call +

>8. and HAD hit homself upon the ingenious idea of strenghtening

>9. with copper rivets. Legend has it made that Davis was fed up with
> +

>12. method of 'fastening THE corners of pockets in wearing apparel in

>13. to prevent them from tearing' in 1873.By the time of the
>Strauss's death

>16. would have to become fashionable garb for everyone, including
>princesses! +
6. istotnie, AND musi zostac. Nie ma tego w moim spisie. :-(
w 2 wszystko dobrze ?
w 5 bez "but"?
w 8 nie mam pojecia ale moze bez 'himself'?
w 9 'legend had it that...?
w 12 bez "in' ale z 'the'?
w 13 nie wiem na prawde co trzeba poprawic
w 16 bez 'to'?
do takich wnioskow doszla ale dalej nie wiem co w niektorych wierszach wie cdalej prosze o wskazowki jakies
sorki w 9 *has
5 bez OF
12 bez bledow
13. bez THE (Strauss's death)
rezszta Twoich poprawek ok
wielkie wielkie dzieki:)
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.