rozmowa sterowana-negocjacje, proszę o sprawdzenie

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Rozmowa sterowana - negocjacje
Planujecie z przyjacielem wspólne wyjście. Kolega proponuje żebyście wybrali się na film "The Lord of the Rings". Masz inne zdanie.
- Powiedz dlaczego nie masz ochoty wybrać się na ten film
- Zaproponuj pójście na mecz siatkówki i wytłumascz, dlaczego jest to lepszy pomysł
- Obiecaj, że następnym razem zrobicie to, na co on będzie miał ochote

(tekst po angielsku:(proszę o sprawdzenie go :))

- Hi, tomorrow is Saturday, would you like to go somewhere?
+ All tell me recently, that "Lord of the Rings" is excellent film. Would we go to cinema on there film maybe?
- Hmm, I dislike such films in which it is monsters, dwarves and different eccentricities plenty of.
+ But this film is one from better in whole cinematography, we will have a look on there secial effects.
- I would Prefer tomorrow to go on volleyball women match. Calisia Kalisz it plays with Pallavolo Sirio Perugia in Champions League.
+ I don't know, I would like however to see "The Lord tf the Rings".
- Just I ask,let's go on this match.
+ But on match to hall was one should was go twice longer than to cinema.
- There now for this how we will come this we will see me beautiful competitors. Italian girls will be there!
+ You tell Italian girls? Hmm, OK you convinced me.
- I tell you will be nicely it can thighs to us it was has sat down in one of first-orders. We will make with next time this whereupon you will be dust readiness.
+ About what time this match is?
- About 18.45, come to me about 18 this we will go out together.
+ Ok, we are prearranged.
- Bye!

[chodzę do I klasy liceum ogólnokształcącego]
- Hi, what are you doing at 7?
-Why do you ask?
- Will you go with me to the cinema?
- What's on at the cinema?
- The Lord of the Rings
- Oh no, I don't like such films as " LOTR" I think fantasy films are boring
- But if you go with me today I will go with you tomorrow on the basketball match
- I don't know, I will go if you buy me a ticket to the cinema, deal?
- ok deal, so let's go