Cytat: lattefbr
Kiedy mówimy o czymś po raz pierwszy w liczbie pojedynczej używamy a/an, więc jeśli mam pierwsze zdanie w artykule np.
"When you walk through an art gallery you may see the paintings showing people, mostly children, with characteristic, big eyes."
to czy przed wyrazem "paintings", które zostało użyte po raz pierwszy ALE w liczbie mnogiej mam użyć the (ale przecież the jest do mówienia o czymś po raz któryś, a to jest pierwsze zdanie artykułu) czy może przedimka zerowego?
"When you walk through an art gallery you may see the paintings showing people, mostly children, with characteristic, big eyes.
Both …the paintings… and (no article) paintings are legitimate.
"No-article paintings showing people…" mentions some paintings that you might see at a gallery.
"The paintings" are treated here en bloc and differentiated from other pictures to be seen at the gallery by the featured images of "people with characteristic big eyes":
"…showing people with characteristic big eyes" is a restrictive modifier that may help anyone identify those pictures and separate them from other exhibits.
It's all in the ways the speaker may see the same things; what's important here is the speaker's point of view presented to the hearer.
(ale przecież the jest do mówienia o czymś po raz któryś, a to jest pierwsze zdanie artykułu) czy może przedimka zerowego?
The "first-mention" use of a noun, plural or singular, is not prohibitive of "the."
About the comma:
The comma after
characteristic brings nothing to the sentence except it satisfies the British English punctuation convention of separating successive same-part-of-speech words with a comma or commas:
BE: She has a big, red, powerful bike.
AE: She has a big red powerful bike.
In AE, only quasi-synonyms would be separated by commas: She has a roaring, almighty, bulldozer of a bike.