Cytat: UnderPressure
Szczerze mówiąc nie wiem, dlaczego używa xxx of, a nie the xxx of, np. Shadow of the Collosus, Shadow of the Tomb Rider. Być może shadow występuje też jako niepoliczalny.
Backdrop 1: The day Merle got fired, all hell broke loose. (=It was a bad day.)
(1) It was [a/one hell] (NounPhrase1) of [a day](NounPhrase2) when Merle got fired.
(2) [The/this hell] of [a day] started when Merle…
Noun Phrase 2 is introduced with the indefinite article (a day). Noun Phrase 1 evaluates Noun Phrase 2. NP1 takes the indefinite or definite article (a/the hell), as required.
Backdrop 2: The prime minister is a fool.
(1) You have a fool of a prime minister.
(2) The fool of a prime minister resigned.
(3) A/the/this moron of a cheat of a prime minister resigned.
Backdrop3: Fender-bender.
Yes, officer. I saw the whole thing: This monster of a truck tailgated that beauty of a roadster.