Cytat: Ag5
Cześć. Chciałam prosić o pomoc przy poniższych zdaniach.
1. London is England's capital.
2. Washington DC is the capital city of the USA.
Dlaczego raz używamy 's, a innym razem of? Przecież to są dwa praktycznie identyczne zdania...
's is a marker of possession.
Of between nouns is a marker of relation.
The nation's capital is not the same as
the capital of the nation.
If it were so,
log of wood would be the same as
wood's log;
piece of cake would be the same as
cake's piece;
ruler of men would be the same as
men's ruler.
The good thing is you are asking these questions.
The capital of the USA is Washington City. It sits on a piece of land captured by force and known as the District of Columbia ever since (hence Washington, DC).
edytowany przez Janski: 18 mar 2019