Cytat: Graco_u
Cześć :)
Czy zdanie " I'm calling my mom to ask her if she'll come tomorrow" - Dzwonię do mojej mamy, aby spytać czy jutro przyjdzie. Jest poprawne?
Yes, what you wrote is fine: (1) "I'm calling my mom to ask her if she'll come tomorrow." is correct.
But ask your English teacher to explain to you why one might want to say (2), (3), (4), or (5) instead:
(2) "I'm calling my mom to ask her if she'll be coming tomorrow."
(3) "I'm calling my mom to ask her if she is coming tomorrow."
(4) "I'm calling my mom to ask her if she comes tomorrow."
(5) "I'm calling my mom to ask (=invite) her to come tomorrow."
If your teacher cannot do that, come back here. Ignore ALL the confusing and completely irrelevant (which means stupid!) posts above by the bunch of numpties.
edytowany przez Janski: 07 lut 2020