Czy dobrze zrobiłam te zadania?
1. This letter has got to be in Chicago in 2 days. I'm sure if I
send it today, it
will arrive on time.
2. What we
would use, to look at ourselves when we comb our hair in the morning if we
hadn't have the mirrors?
3. I 'm exhausted and we are no closer to a solution to this problem after nine hours of work. Why don't you go home and get some sleep and i will keep working. If i
discover a solution before morning I
will call you immediately I promise.
Mam jeszcze wątpliwości co do rozróżniena present perfect a past simple. Jaka jest różnica pomiędzy tymi czasami?
Here's the lastest news. Michael Sparks
has died in his house in Los Angeles. - przecież on umarł nie ma już to wpływu na teraźniejszość.
The government has just reveald that the prime minister has cancelled his visit to China next week for private reason. Our reporters have found out unofficially that the prime minister
caught a cold during his stay in the mountains last week. - tutaj znowu złapało go przeziębienie, co ma wpływ na teraz, że nie pojawił się w Chinach
kompletnie mi się to miesza i nie potrafię wyczuć różnicy pomiędzy tymi czasami
Będę wdzięczna za odpowiedź