Hej, mam do zrobienia takie zadanie na kolejną lekcję, ale nie wiem czy moje odpowiedzi są prawidłowe. Byłby ktoś miły i mógł je sprawdzić? Z góry dziękuje
Uzupełnij zdania następującymi słowami (add, admire, bring, do, drive, eat, fix learn, splash,wear)
1)Thankfully, my sister's really practical and she managed( to fix )my bike for me
2)When we arrived at the cabin, it was really dark, but luckily Sam had remembered (bring) a torch.
3)When we're at the farm, my uncle sometimes lets me (driving) his old van around the fields.
4)I saw some people ....to kayak on the river and it looked really fun.
5)Of course you can use that bikes, but can you just remind everyone (wearing) helmets?
6)Everyone needs to wear plastic gloves to avoid (splashing) the cleaning liquid on their skin.
7) When we reach the top of the hill, we'll stop for a while by that wooden gate (to admire) the view.
8)Obviously, if you keep (adding) white paint to the mix, the color will get lighter and lighter.
9) My mum makes me (to eat) lots of fish because it's considered to be brain food.
10)Harry tends (to do) his homework at the last minute.