Czy to jest poprawnie gramatycznie?? Pomocy!!

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
1. I am a graduate of Silesian Technical University in Gliwice Faculty of Chemistry, where I finished specialization: ...

2. This/Chosen specialization enabled me to acquaint with processes in chemistry and make use of this knowledge in practice during research for my M.A. thesis. I am convinced that, my knowledge and strong motivation to work will be very useful for your company.

3.I take the initiative and easily estabilsh contacts with people (łatwo nawiązuję kontakty??) what I used in a direct retail in my uncle’s small business. During my research I came across many situations which demanding of me logical thinking, self-control in a stresful conditions and fast adaptation abilities

Z gory wielkie dzieki za pomoc!
Jak na moje oko (a nie jest ono zbyt obyte w angielskim jeszcze :D), to troszke daloby sie tam zmienic. Nie wiem czy Ci to pomoze, ale troche to przeksztalcilem i wyszlo cos takiego :D :

I am writing to apply for the position of …
I am … years old. I have graduated from Silesian Technical University. My degree is in Chemistry. During my studies I had to deal with using processors in chemistry, so I am able to make use of them at my work. The best proof for it is the fact that it was a topic of my M.A. thesis.
I have also many other virtues. I am a very sociable person and like working in a group. It is a result of the fact that used to work in a direct retail in my uncle\'s small business. Unexpected difficulties and stressful situations are not a great problem for me as I have had to manage a lot of them during my studies.
I am convinced that, my knowledge and strong motivation to work will be very useful for your company.

Mam nadzieje, ze okaze sie pomocne...
Wielkie dzięki!! Na pewno skorzystam z Twoich rzeczowych rad. Jeszcze raz wielkie dzięki:-)
