Kochani potrzebuję pomocy z passive voice. Jak ktoś byłby uprzejmy ogarnąć te zdania i ewentualnie kilka słów powiedzieć jak się to robi byłbym wdzięczny.
You need some experiance to run a group of people.
She has employed two new caregivers to work with children.
Students have set up a research project to investigate the harmful effects of air pollution.
I checked all my calculation and they seemed fine.
Somebody is painting the fence in front of our house.
Kids can do the jigsaw puzzle when they behave properly.
He was cooking tomato soup when she turned up in the kitchen.
Tom knows a lot of folk songs to sing at weddings.
Somebody saw you on the beach on sunday.
Police officers should speak English while dealing with foreign tourists here.
They conducted negotiations to solve the problem.
First you must type your password and then press 'return'
Father has proudly changed the baby's nappy.
Workers were carrying tools when i saw them.
A lot of people read her blog every day.
You must not miss the classes.
Parents criticized the school for having very poor discipline.
You can complete your education at a postgraduate course.