opowiadanie, prosze o zerkniecie

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Prosze o sprawdzenie. Bzdurka taka mala, opowiadania, z ogromna ilosc bledow.:))) Dziekuje

Sarah is 18 years old. She is A normal adolescent. She like good music and she love going TO THE party. Till now she was learning quite good and she had good relationship with her parents. Once AT THE party she met John. She danced with him all night. They ( WYMIENIL SIE NUMERAMI TELEFONOW). Next day John called to Sarah and ( ZAROSILA JA NA RANDKE). They met very often. ( PO PEWNYM CZASIE STALI SIE PARA).They spent lot of time together and they felt in love.
John have to go to England ( NA KURS JEZYKOWY ) for 3 months. Sarah was unhappy about this but she and John had laptops and the could communicate through the Internet. They talked ( GODZINAMI) and spent all night ( PRZED KOMPUTEREM). In the morning Sarah was so tired and she didn't go to school. It happened incresingly. When her parents found out about her truancys the was angry and anxious. In consequence they pickes up her computer and she didn't have connection with the Internet.
Without it Sarah felt like a fish out of water. She couldn't contact with John and she missed him so. She decided to talk with her parents. She said them, that the Internet id only way to contact wit her boyfriend and she will ( POPRAWI SIE W NAUCE< W SZKOLE). Her partens ( ODDALI ) her the computer but she will always remembere what happened.
she LIKES good music
she LOVES going
Till now she has been learning good ......
wymienili się numerami telefonów they exchanged phone numbers
zaprosił na randke invited her for a date
po pewnym czasie stali sie para they became a couple
John HAD TO GO to England for the 3month's language course
romzawiali godzinami they talked FOR HOURS
przed komputerem IN FRONT OF COMPUTER
in the morning Sarah was so tired that she didn't go to school
they was angry and anxious
they picked up
she couldn't contact with John so she missed him albo
she couldn't contact with John and she missed him very much
she TOLD them that the internet is the only way to contact WITH
and she promised to have better grades albo she promised to learn more
PO PEWNYM CZASIE STALI SIE PARĄ they became a couple after some time


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