This material refer about sports. I can see two pictures. Left pictures show the man who is windsurfing. The weather is very good to windsurfing because is a beautiful blue sky and large wind. So he has big wave. This sport is not dangerous but difficult. I try windsurfing but I haven’t strong so I cannot keep up wing. People who do this sports must be very strong. Second picture show the car race. I can see 15 beautiful cars. I like fast cars. This sports is more dangerous from windsurfing. Why? It is easy. On this discipline you must driving the car very fast more 200 miles by hours. If you aren’t responsible and carefully you can collapsed with different car and in consequence lose your healthy or you can die. Or you can be very carefully but different driver is not good and to bring crash. These material has also advertisement which show about sports extra. This advert refer about David Adams who is the famous British explorer. He already trekked to the world’s two poles. Tomorrow he is crossing the Artic in a hot-air balloon. David must like sports, and he must be very strong and has a good conditions. On the end I see also statistic which show about risky and dangerous sports. 92% peoples says that car racing is dangerous, and 8% peoples say that it isn’t. 89% says that skydiving is dangerous 11% says no. Bungee jumping is dangerous to 67% peoples to 23 isn’t. Whitewater rafting is dangerous to 62% peoples But 28 % people things that this sport is not dangerous. For me all sports are risk because I hate sports.