Proszę o sprawdzenie ;)

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Mógłbyś mi powiedzieć czym różnią się te roboty- x, x, x. Różnica ceny jest niewielka dlatego to mnie interesuje.

Could you tell me that differ this robots- x, x, x. Differ price is not big that this interest me.
Could you tell me the difference between these robots xxx. Price difference is not very big and that is why this interests me.
could you tell me what the differences are between those two robots? their prices are similar that's why i'm asking/interested.
ee wedlug mnie to -> could you tell me what the differences between these two/three robots are? =)
ale.. zawsze sie moge myslic..
albo.. could you tell me what the difference... is?
krotki wyciag z Cambridge ALD ;)

tell the difference
to notice a difference in quality between two things:
This coffee is about half the price of that one and yet you really can't tell the difference.
Dzięki wszystkim. Jakoś to poskładałem dzięki Wam ;)
could you tell me what the differences are between these two robots?

could you tell me what the differences between these two robots are?

both OK
ONE difference or differences?
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.


Au Pair


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