Cytat: Bary123
Ale wydaje mi się to potoczny język bo takie zdanie np I realized she took my car jest podobne do poprzednich przykładów i zrozumiałe ale na egzamine byłoby jako błąd(chyba że brała ten samochód regularnie)
I realized she took my car vs. I realized she had taken my car.
Both are grammatical and both belong to the same register.
The past perfect is needed whenever the speaker wants to convey the idea of a time lapse between the two situations involved. The use of the past perfect would imply that the explicit marking of the time lapse is important for some reason.
“…she had taken my car” means “ …she at that/some time (earlier in the past) took my car.
“(chyba że brała ten samochód regularnie)” is irrelevant to the issue at hand.