future simple

Cześć. Proszę o sprawdzenie zadania i udzieleni informacji, co je źle i dlaczego.

1. Fill in the gaps with will, be going to and the verb in brackets.
1. A: Oh no! I'm late for the meeting!
B: Don't worry, I will give (give) you a lift there. (spontaniczna decyzja)
2. We are going to visit (visit) the multimedia exhibition. (zamiar)
A: That's great! I will join (join) you! (spontaniczna decyzja)
3. B: Are those books about endangered species?
A: Yes, I am going to write (write) an essay on this topic. (zamiar)
4, A: Can you help me take the magazines to the recycling centre?
B: I'm going out now, but I'm sure Ann won't mind (not/mind) helping you. (bo jest I'm sure)
A: You can find this book online.
B: I know. I will order/ am going to order (order) it this afternoon. (tu obie odpowiedzi mi pasują), choć ze względmu na "I know" wybrałbym be going to
5. A: These bags of newspapers are really heavy.
B: Careful! You are going to drop (drop) them! "w znaczeniu zaraz coś się wydarzy, przewidywania na podstawie tego, co widzimy)

2. Fill in the gaps with will, be going to or the present continuous.
1. I believe a lot of animals will lose (lose) their homes in the future.
2. Literature at university next year? She is going to study (she/study).
3.,Be careful, you are going to fall (fall) off the ladder!
4. Are you going (you/go) to the party tonight?
5. I hope they won't forget (not/forget) to bring me the magazine I asked for.
6. It's hot in here. I will open (open) the window.

3. Choose the correct item.
We ___ watch the show on TV today.
A. will B. are going C. are going to (tu obie odpowiedzi, moim zdaniem są poprawne, kwestia interpretacji zdania "I know" może sugierować, że już od tym myślałem i stąd użycie be going to
I know you ___ this new comedy film.
A. are loving B. will love C. are going to love
___ to donate your old books to charity?
A. Are you B. Will you go C. Are you going
I'm tired. I think I ___ to bed.
A. am going B. will go C. am going to go
Sam ___ to London tomorrow.
A. will fly B. flies C. is flying
I hope he ___ the book to the library.
A. will return B. is returning C. is going to return
ogolnie ok
2.2 to chyba ma byc pytanie
2.6 raczej 'll niz cale will - nie wiem, czy znasz i takie rozroznienie

3.1 nie widze 'I know' w tym zdaniu

reszta ok
Dziękuję bardzo.
1. Tak, to jest pytanie is she going to study
2. personal decision i raczej tylko firma skrócona.
3. We ___ watch the show on TV today. are going to
4. Ten dopisek o I know dotyczył zdania drugiego.
I know you ___ this new comedy film.
A. are loving B. will love C. are going to love
I'm tired. I think I ___ to bed.
A. am going B. will go C. am going to go
Tu analogicznie powinna być formą skrócona? Tak?
zdanie o f9ilmie wg mnie dwie odpowiedzi

zdanie z tired - tak, lepiej 'll


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