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I am writing to ask some questions about mobile phone - Nokia 7280 advertised on your webside. First, it says that this mobile phone have little sing of using. what dosen't mean;> The advert also mentions that telephone have not got full accessory. so what is in this equipment Another question i have is about camera in this mobile phone took foto in high top quality or not really;> Is this digital camera;> i am also a bit worred about MP3 player is good or not;> Finally could you tell me how long i have guaranteed;> does the guarantee cover accidents or just technical problems;> i look forward to hearing from you yours Anna Kowalski ................................................This advert is about perfum Dolce & Gabana - Light blue. This foto is maintained in dark colour. On the first plan we can see face of model. This face is also dark, we can't see make- up or things something like taht. I thing she has deadpan. Under her chin we can see inscription in white colour name of perfum and surname of desingers.In down right side there ahre show vase-flakonik-of perfum.
.... First it says, that this mobile phone HAS little (sing of using - tego nie rozumiem)
The advertisement (lepiej jak advert) also mentions that THE telephone DOES NOT have complete accessories. What accessories does it have?
sing of using chodziło mi o to ze sa jakies znaki uzytwkowania tego drugtelefonu czyli rysy na obudowie komórki itp aha i mam pytanko ta a czesc pracy jeste poprawna;>
chyba masz na mysli ' signs of usage' - a nie 'sing'
a reszte pracy to trzeba jeszcze raz przerobic -
no sings no pomyliło mi sie zwykła literówka przerobic tzn;>