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This is informal letter to friend. I'm waiting for corrections, if I made any mistakes:). Thanks in advance.
Dear ABC
I know that you’re now preparing to A level test. I’m worry about you, because you’re learning definitely too much. Really you should spend a bit less time on learning.
I would like to give you some advices. You should revise material for about 2 hours per day. You mustn’t learn too much, in fact if you do, then your exam results will probably be lower. Don’t forget about relaxing either. You need to relax before revising. It’ll help you get better results. I tried this and it’s really working. You must eat a lot of vegetables and fruits. Follow my advices and I assure you, that your exam results will be great.
I almost forgot, it’s the best if you would be revising just before go to sleep. And of course you need to sleep at least 7 hours per day. Everything would be fine.
Best wishes
I know that you're now preparing for an A-level test (albo A-level tests albo A-levels). I'm worried about you (albo I worry about you) because you're definitely studying too much (bez przecinka przed "because").

Really you should spend a bit less time studying. I would like to give you some advice (bez "s"; advice jest niepoliczalne). You should revise the material for about 2 hours a day. You mustn't study too long, in fact, if you do your exam results will probably be lower.

Don't forget about relaxing either. You need to relax before revising. It'll help you get better results. I tried this and it really works. You have to eat a lot of vegetables and fruits.

Follow my advice and I assure you that your exams results will be great. (bez przecinka przed "that").

I almost forgot: it's best to revise just before you go to sleep. And of course you need to sleep at least 7 hours each night. Everything will be fine if you follow my advice.

Best wishes,