taka mała prośba:D

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Wiem że proszę o wiele, jednak nie przerażajcie się wielkościa w rzeczywistości to bardzo proste zdanka. rzeczy których nie byłem pewien podałem w nawiasach ze znakiem zapytania. BARDZO ŁADNIE PROSZĘ - mam to na jutro rano więc bardzo prosze o jak najszybsze poprawienie:D


Hanna Gronkiewicz Walc

She was borne on 04.11.1952.

She derives from the traditional home were truth and magnanimity were handed down and that became her flagships in everyday life.

Grandfather and Father have lived during the war. They taught her to be responsible for country and herself. The values, which were instilled (wpojone), evaluated to became her commandment.

Honor, Motherland, Patriotism were functioning in her life and still are.

In 1968 in the autumn as a secondary school student, she saw her father who was demonstrating against inhumation inquity (niegodziwośći) of post-communists authorities (władzy postkomunistyczej).

He was experienced by the view of process of political prisoners who were defended by her father – the eminent layer.

As a small girl she started to attend the school where the lessons of English and French were being given to her.

The first contact with politics she thanks to his father with whom she was listening to Radio Wolna Europa. Due to his job, she could have observed the life of opposition and that’s way she became like his father the layer and later the deputy.

After graduating from the Department of Law, she became a scientific worker at Warsaw University and afterwards she involved herself (zaangażowała się?) into oppositional activity (działalnośc opozycyjną?). She also is the establisher of the university newspaper that is called “Solidarność”. Of course, it was illegal yet, she didn’t discourage of it and obstinately was publishing books and journals/magazines.

When the newspaper “Solidarność” was validated/legalized, she was appointed to the post of chairperson of (komisja zakładowa?) at the faculty of Law & Administration.

She was passing judgment/pronouncing an opinion (opiniować) in two chambers of parliament with the scope (z zakresu?) of administrative, economic and bank law.

As the one of a few she wrote postdoctoral essay which concerned The Polish Central Bank and succeed in getting a postdoctoral degree. As a Chair of The Polish Central Bank, she was struggling with inflation and the bank crisis system, which was unreasonable (nieprzystosowany) of free-market rules.

After that she was proposed to embrace the post of vice-chairperson of the European Bank of Reconstruction & Development(Europejski Bank Odbudowy i Rozwoju?) in London.
przepraszam czy jest na forum ktoś kto podejmie się tego zadania:DD??
proszę czy może ktoś cast an eye ovet it??
już dawno po terminie i wygłosiłem co miałem wygłości ale nadal apeluję o poprawienie:DD

Niech ktoś sie tym zajmie najlepiej ktoś kto ma czas i jest naprawdę dobry z języka:DD

Pozdrawiam i jeszcze raz apeluę bo jest tylu znamienitychych filologów którzy z chęcią by się zajeli tym tekstem więc szczególna prośba do nich!!
Tekst odstrasza długością, ale postaram się chociaż część sprawdzić ;)

She was borne -> She was born
Grandfather and Father have lived during the war -> Grandfather and father lived during the war
responsible for country -> responsible for the country
wpajać coś komuś - to inculcate sth into sb
in the autumn -> in autumn
niegodziwość -> wickedness
where the lessons of English and French were being given to her. -> myślę, że strona bierna się tu nie nadaje
to Radio Wolna Europa -> to the Wolna Europa Radio
Due to his job, she could have observed -> Due to his job, she could observe
that's way she became -> that's why she became
layer - warstwa :>
She also is -> (bardziej mi pasuje inna kolejność) She is also
z zakresu -> in the range of (?)
nd succeed in getting -> nd succeeded in getting
nieprzystosowany - inaccessible

Jest tu więcej błędów, ja sobie nie radzę z przedimkami, więc wstawiłam tylko tam gdzie intuicyjnie mi pasowały.
Pozwoliłem sobie nanieść pewne uwagi do tekst:-)))))))

She was BORN on November 4, 1952.

She derives from (BEZ THE) traditional home WHERE truth and magnanimity were handed down FROM GENERATION TO GENERATION, and that became her FLAGSHIP in HER SUBSEQUENT life.

HER Grandfather and Father SURVIVED WARS. They taught her to be responsible for THE country and herself. The values, which HAD BEEN INCULCATED INTO HER, EVOLVED (evaluate znaczy oceniać!!!) to BE her commandment.

HONOUR, Motherland, Patriotism were INDEED PRACTISED THROUGHOUT HER LIFE, and still are.

In (BEZ THE) autumn 1968, as a secondary school PUPIL, she saw her father DEMONSTRATING against foul deeds of POST - COMMUNIS(bez s) AUTHORITIES.

SHE (a nie he!!) was DEEPLY MOVED by COURSE OF EVENTS IN A TRIAL of political prisoners, DEFENDED by her father - the eminent LAWYER(:-).

As a small girl, she started to attend (BEZ THE) school where SHE TOOK lessons IN English and French.

HER first contact with politics WAS POSSIBLE thanks to his father, with whom she USED to LISTEN TO THE "Wolna Europa Radio".
She could WITNESS the life of THE OPPOSITION ( z dużej "O") due to his job, and that's WHY she became like his father, the LAWYER and later the MP.

After graduating from the Department of Law, she became a SCIENTIST at Warsaw University, and afterwards she PLUNGED into THE OPPOSITION ACTIVITY. She is ALSO THE FOUNDING MOTHER of university newspaper, CALLED “Solidarność". Of course, it was illegal THEN; she WASN'T DISCOURAGED BY THE DIFFICULTIES, INSTEAD, she PUBLISHED BOOKS, JOURNALS/MAGAZINES OBSTINATELY.

AFTER the newspaper “Solidarność" was CERTIFIED BY THE STATE, she was appointed to A post of chairperson of FACTORY COMISSION at the faculty of Law & Administration.

She was passing judgements ABOUT THE AREAS OF administrative, economic and bank law, in two Chambers of Parliament (z dużych liter).

As (BEZ THE) one of a few SPECIALISTS, she wrote A postdoctoral essay REGARDING the Polish Central Bank and SHE SUCCEEDED in RECEIVING THE postdoctoral degree. As a Chair of The Polish Central Bank, she was struggling with inflation and the Bank - System Crisis (przestawiłem rzeczowniki), UNADAPTED TO free-market CONDITIONS.

FINALLY, she was proposed to TAKE AN OFFICE of vice-chairperson IN the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development in London.

PO Prostu CUDO:DD - nie poprawka:DD

Dziękuje GIgantus - jak ja CI się odwdźięczę??
Dziękuje martunia rónież:DD

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