What do you want to fo after studies?

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Proszę o sprawdzenie poprawności przykładowej odpowiedzi na pytanie: What do you want to do after studies? Wiem, że odpowiedź powinna być krótsza ale większość na pewno z nerwów zapomnę.

Currently I'm a student of Land Management at the University of Warmia and Mazury. I'm in the 5th year and I'm defending my master's thesis on 28th June. My subject is: Possibility of development of recreational function on the base of Skanda Lake. After defence I dream of going abroad to visit my friends in Wales and Sweden. I want to rest a bit before I start looking for a job, as the last few months have been really tough (tu bym wolała słówko w stylu "wycieńczające" albo "wykańczające") for me and I need to (odetchnąć albo coś w tym stylu, najlepiej phrasal verb). At present I give private English lessons and I hope to keep on doing that on holiday. In October I'm beginning an English course, which will prepare me for the CAE. If it's about my future job (miało być "Jeśli chodzi o pracę"), I'd like to work in my acquired profession and deal with the local plan arrangement and spatial planning in the planning office. However, one of my passions is webmastering so I'd prefer to work as a webmaster in a company which needs someone to design and advertise websites.
Oczywiście w temacie miało być "...do after studies" ale zrobiłam literówkę.
Jesli chodzi o prace - When it comes to a job , ale nie wiem czy można to tu wstawić.

moze I'd like to have a breather ?
"If it's about..." widziałam gdzieś w potocznym stylu, ale Twoja wersja jest na pewno lepsza ;)

Jak napisać "przekazywać wiedzę"?
Z tego co widzę to chyba najlepiej by tu pasowało "to convey knowledge" czy jest jakiś lepszy zwrot?
...want to do after YOUR studies?
After my Masters (nie 'defence') I dream of ...
...last few months have been really exhausting....and I need to take a breather.
When considering my future plans regarding a job, I'd like to....
Dziękuję ;) Poprawki naniesione.
A co sądzicie o tym?

What do you do in your spare time?
One of the best ways of spending my spare time is watching movies at the cinema, going for a walk to the nearby park and playing bowling with my boyfriend and some friends. Once we used to play it a few times a month, but now we don’t have so much time for fun. I also enjoy spending my free time on learning foreign languages as I dream of visiting many European countries and being able to understand native speakers, as well as foreigners.

Czy styl i słownictwo są odpowiednie?
wyvieńczający - debilitating
I jeszcze jedno jakby ktoś miał nadmiar czasu ;)

Why and how long do you learn English?
Well, I’ve been learning English since I was a child, precisely since nursery school. At schools I attended extra English lessons whenever I had the opportunity to do that. Foreign languages have always been my passion and I’m glad I can talk with my English friends or communicate with other foreigners during my stay abroad. I think that’s what motivates me to study the most. I learn English mostly for myself, however I’d love to pass FCE and CAE to prove myself that it is worth spending so much time on learning. I also hope that my knowledge will help me with finding a job, and in case of less important issues, I can understand the lyrics of my favourite songs and movies.
na 'bowling' to chyba masz na mysli 'ten-pin bowling'
reszta wg mnie ok.
moze zamiast 'foreigners' to lepiej - 'local people' -
...to pass CAE to prove TO myself...
...knowledge will help me TO find/albo/in finding a job....
> 'foreigners' to lepiej - 'local people' -

Chodziło mi właśnie o obcokrajowców także w innych krajach. I o native'ów, i o innych.

A o co chodzi z tym bowling?
jakie 'bowling' mialas na mysli pisajac to - ja myslalam ze 'ten-pin' -ale wyglada na to ze nie -
foreigners - moze lepiej - 'foreign nationals as well as the natives'
tak zupełenie na marginesie ( bo wcześniej pytalaś) w przypadku szkoleń o przekazaniu wiedzy nie mówi się "convey knowledge" ale raczej ---deliver knowledge
No takie najzwyklejsze kręgle.
> I learn English mostly for myself, however I'd love to pass FCE and CAE to prove

Nie wiem jak Wy, ale ja bym napisał tak :

I learn English for myself. However, I'd love to pass FCE and CAE to prove..

Co myślicie?
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.