wypowiedz do sprawdzenia

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
tak martunia_82 to wypowiedzi na ustną mature, jak możesz to sprawdz te dwie to już ostatnie, mam jesczcze trzy scenki -jak zgodzisz sie je sprawdzic to bym je tu umieściła. Dziekuje za pomoc, i za to ze wyjasniasz mi jakie błedy robie, ucze sie ang. zaocznie stad moje prace nie sa rewelacyjne.

Should extreme sports be banned as they put people`s lives at risk?

Whatever extreme sports should be banned or no it is controversial issue. Many people think that extreme sport should be banned because some people practicing such sport haven`t got specific equipment and they can be injuried or die. In my opinion extreme sports should not be banned for many reasons: some people find pleasure and relaxation in sky-diving, rock-climbing. Banning such sports would be a serious infringement of individual freedom. People whose practice extreme sport are less notoriously injurt-prone than people who practicing safe sport. To sum up fatal accidents happen both safe sport or extreme sport. Each of us should be careful practice sport.

Would you consider being a vegetarian? Why or why not?

As far I considered I won`t be a vegetarian. I always be a favored of eat meat dishes. I couldn`t live without barbecud chicken breast with potatoes and salad in vinegrette sauce or pork cutlet. I couldn`t be vegetarian because I don`t like eat vegetables dishes like pancakes with spinach or fried vermicelli with bean sprout.

jak mozesz to dopisz jedno zdanie to ostatniej wypowiedzi
Should extreme sports be banned as they put people's lives at risk?

Whatever extreme sports should be banned or noT - it is A controversial issue (wyrzuciłabym "whatever"). Many people think that extreme sportS should be banned because some people WHO practicE such sportS haven't got (/don't have) specific equipment and they can be injuried or (even) die. In my opinion extreme sports should not be banned for many reasons: some people find pleasure and relaxation in sky-diving (or) rock-climbing. Banning such sports would be a serious infringement of individual freedom. People WHO practiSe extreme sportS are less (czy more?) notoriously injurt-prone than people who practicE safe sportS. To sum up, fatal accidents happen both IN CASE OF safe sportS AND extreme sportS (/ones). Each of us should be careful IN practicING sport.

Would you consider being a vegetarian? Why or why not?

As far I consider (bez "ed") I won't be a vegetarian. I HAVE always beEN IN FAVOUR of eatING meat dishes. I couldn't live without barbecue, chicken breast with potatoes and salad in vinegrette sauce or pork cutlet. I couldn`t be A vegetarian because I don`t like eat vegetables dishes (dishes with vegetables) like/such as pancakes with spinach or fried vermicelli with bean sprout. However, I was trying to become a vegetarian after watching a shocking movie about killing animals for food, but I managed to forget about it and start eating meat again.
wg mnie -
Whether extreme sports should be banned or not is a controversial issue.
Each of us should be careful when practicing (moze - lepiej - undertaking) any dangerous sports activity.

...be a vegetarian because I don't like eatING vegetable dishes.


FCE - sesja letnia 2006

