Prosze o sprawdzenie:)

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Drodzy forumowicze bardzo prosze o sprawdzenie recenzji z przedstawienia Romeo i Julia. musze ja oddac w poniedzialek, nie wiem czy jest poprawna:)

Last Thursday at 12 o’clock my class and I were in oratorio. There was performanced the most famous play by Shakespeare – “ Romeo and Juliet”, which was prepared by III High School.

This is very beautiful story about sincere love, and people which can not live without themselves. The main characters Julia and Romeo were children two families the Capulets and the Montagues, which were eternal enemy. Therefore they can not be together. This play show in modern way all history of the amorousness. During the party Romeo met a Juliet with whom he danced all night. It was love at first sight. After the party he came out into her balcony and he talked to herself about his love. Then Juliet's cousin wanted to fight with Romeo. He killed Romeo's friend Mauricio- so Romeo fought and killed Tybat. Romeo had to leave Verona because he killed him. While he was away, Juliet's father decided she had to marry Parys. Juliet didn't know what to do so she went to priest Friar Laurence and they made a plan. Juliet would like to pretend her dead so priest had gotten her a phial of poison. Romeo didn't know about it and when he found out that Juliet died, he pressed knife into his heart. When Juliet woke up Romeo was already dead, so she commit a suicide.

The most exciting moment of performance was when Olga, our class mate was chosen to take part in the play. She was nervous, because she didn’t know what she should do.

This wonderful play must be seen by everybody. It will change the way you see life and relationships forever.

Dziekuje bardzo za każdą pomoc, choćby niewielką!!
Czy ktos na to juz popoaczy??
as I have to do the 'word formation' in my exam...but I don't check the style or register or.. :-P

Last Thursday at 12 o'clock my class and I were in oratorio. There was PERFORMANCE OF the most famous play by Shakespeare - “ Romeo and Juliet" which was prepared by III High School.

This is very beautiful story about sincere love, and people which CANNOT live without EACH OTHER. The main characters Julia and Romeo were children OF two families the Capulets and the Montagues, which were eternal enemy. Therefore they CANNOT be together. This play SHOWED in modern way THE WHOLE history of the amorousness. During A party Romeo met Juliet with whom he danced all night. It was love at first sight. After the party he came out into(?) her balcony and he talked to HER about his love. Then Juliet's cousin wanted to fight with Romeo. He killed Romeo's friend Mauricio- so Romeo fought and killed Tybat. Romeo had to leave Verona because he killed him. While he was away, Juliet's father decided she had to marry Parys. Juliet didn't know what to do so she went to priest Friar Laurence and they made a plan. Juliet would (like to) pretend her dead so priest had GOT her a phial of poison. Romeo didn't know about it and when he found out that Juliet died, he pressed knife into his heart. When Juliet woke up Romeo HAD BEEN already dead, so she commit a suicide.

The most exciting moment of THE performance was when Olga, our class mate was chosen to take part in the play. She was nervous, because she didn't know what she should do.

This wonderful play must be seen by everybody. It will change the way you see life and relationships forever.

*can't = cannot (GB) = can not (US)
** rewrite it once again, pay more attention to times and use wider vocabulary
dziekuje bardzo jesli ktos znalazby jakies niescislosci, badz cos innego... to przyjme kazda chocby najmniejsza rade:)
Nie ma juz zadnych bledów... niech ktos jeszcze sprobuje to sprawdzić:) PROSZE:)
,,,love and people WHO cannot live without...
Julia and Romeo - generalnie mowi sie Romeo and Juliet (dlaczego uzyles Julia a nie Juliet?)
...who were eternal enemieS.
Therefore they cannot be together - who cannot? - the Capulets & Montagues???
..showed in A modern way the whole history of thEIR...
...Romeo fought and killed Tybat and because of this he had to leave Verona.
Parys - chyba sie pisze Paris
...Juliet would pretend to be dead, and so THE priest...
Romeo didn't know about THIS and when he found out that Juliet WAS dead, he pressed A knife .. she committed suicide.
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.