Your interests and hobbies

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I am one of those people who have many interests but cannot go for only one of them. Firstly, my favourite way of spending free time is learning foreign languages. What motivates me the most is the possibility of going abroad and speaking with foreigners. I have some friends in Germany and although they are actually Poles, they often speak German. Then I feel uncomfortable because I only understand few words from what they are saying Besides, I love going abroad on holidays, I have already been to Italy, Czech Republic, Denmark, Germany, Austria and many other places. Knowing English helped me with communication both when I was abroad and when I wanted to talk with some foreigner online. Going to Italy motivated me to learn Italian and going to Germany resulted in learning German. In a word, I just want to be able to visit every place I want without the fear of not being able to understand the local population. I can also read English books, for example and watch English movies. It is sometimes hard to understand every spoken word so I turn on English subtitles from time to time.
If I decide to read a book, it is usually a book by Graham Masterton. I like his writing style but I have also met with negative opinions about him. Masterton describes every issue in detail, sometimes even too precisely. He writes about demons, hideous kinds of animals and sometimes mixes it with some sexual acts. Most people find his books disgusting but such descriptions absorb me. I have always liked shocking books, as they are really interesting and they stimulate my vivid imagination.
Apart from reading books, what happens only from time to time, I love bowling. In my opinion it is the most fascinating sport but also a quite expensive one. That is why I cannot afford it as often as I would like to. However, bowling once in two months is more satisfactory because I have to wait for it for a long time and when I finally get there, I cherish this moment like a little girl when she gets a new doll. I was bowling for the first time about three years ago and I liked it instantly. I often take my friends with me because they also enjoy it.
Another way of spending my free time is web designing. I know that it is pretty rare in case of girls but some time ago I decided to try it myself. Till now I have already designed about 8 or even 9 websites. They are about: astronomy, bowling, photography, psychology, movies etc. Some of them were made for my friends, like the one about photography and psychology. I submitted some of my websites for the contests and I even managed to win some awards such as an advertisement of my website on other sites. I was very pleased with it as I had never thought that somebody could find my works interesting.
In conclusion I would like to say that it is hard to reconcile different interests because of the lack of time. When I think of reading a book I immediately recall that I should learn English a bit before doing so. Indeed, learning English is now my priority. I dream of passing FCE before finishing studies. Then I plan to go to England to practise and perhaps to pass CAE after coming back. I really admire others when it comes to having certificates.
Well, frankly speaking I haven't chacked grammar or anything but :

1)Paragraph it.
2)Try to use more sophisticated vocabulary.
3)I have bad feeling it's far too long.

I'll check for grammar/spelling/punctation later, but I guess your English level is higher than mine so I won't contribute much to it.
1) 3-4 paragraphs Introduction-2-3-Conclusion, let free space between them
2) oh, for FCE, it is sophisticated enough
3) toooooo long , 120-180 word or you will get not better mark as C

To miał być speech :) Tak sobie pisałam w ramach przygotowania do takiego tematu. Wiem, że jest za długie ale tak jakoś wyszło. Wiem też, że używam podstawowego słownictwa i wkurza mnie, że nie mogę przyswoić żadnego ciekawego :/
SPEECH? Do you mean the speaking exam? but there you have only 2-3 minutes
to talk not half an hour. hehe ach te kobiety...hehe
This was supposed to be my preparation for the conversation with my teacher, not for FCE. Besides, how do you know I cannot speak so fast? :-)
yes indeed, I beg your pardon! I forgot how incredibly fast women are able to talk. :-PP

by the way, try to use other conditionals, not only zero.. If I deciced to read a book, it would be blaah blaaah. I saw you other works and you tend to state only sure facts.

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