zgodnośc podmiotu z orzeczeniem

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Czy podmiot w tym zdaniu jest l.mn, czy l.poj? Jak powinno być poprawnie?

Jesli więcej niż jedno z was nie bedzie chiało przyjśc, to dajcie mi znać.

If more than one of you DOESN'T want to come please let me know
If more than one of you DON'T want to come please let me know

Wydaje mi się, że "more than one of you " to podmiot mnogi, ale już się tak zakręciłam, że nie wiem

Pomóżcie! Pozdrawiam
"Does" stosuje się tylko dla "he, she, it",a Ty się zwracasz w tym zdaniu do "you".
All I know about the issue is as follows:

more than one + singular noun + singular verb
More than one child was absent from school.

more than one of + plural noun + plural verb
More than one of the children were back home by midnight.
And here's the definition to the topic:

When the subject of the sentence is complex the following verb must agree with the main noun in the subject (agreement between subject and verb - in CAPITAL LETTERS). Cf.

Many leading MEMBERS of the opposition party HAVE tried to justify the decision.
The only EXCUSE that he gave for his actions WAS that he was tired.

So your sentence should look like this:

If more than one of YOU DON'T want to come please let me know.


CAE - sesja letnia 2006