Jedno pytanie, jedna odpowiedź

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
"The person in the first photography has a job, where he must sit whole day outside, so it`s healthy, and i`d prefer that than staying all day behind the desk, as like person in the second phodography does".

Podobnież coś tu jest źle. Ale co? "As like"?
no wedlug mnie to as like nie bardzo pasuje i zmienilabym jeszcze to behind the desk .....chyba nie zapomnialam o niczym ;) ale to tylko moje skromne zdanie i pewnie sie myle ;) pozdrawiam =D
w ogole to zdanie jest za dlugie i bezsensowne
The person in the first photograph has a job, where he must sit all day outside, so it's healthy; and I'd prefer that to staying all day behind a desk, as the person in the second photograph does.


FCE - sesja letnia 2006


FCE - sesja letnia 2006