sprawdzenie streszczenia

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Prosilbym o pomoc w sprawdzeniu streszczenia mojej pracy mgr - bo nie jestem pewny :

This master thesis is made an attempt to do analysis in property market in region being the most economy potentate in Poland. Area called Zagłębie Dąbrowskie is a part of Górnośląski Okręg Przemysłowy . This district has been characterized of high demand for properties in its golden age i.e. 196[tel]. At this moment property market slowly becoming revitalized after crisis, which was consequence of shutting down collieries, foundries and industrial plants. Proper presentation of property market research should be done with recent condition but it also depends on shaping the development of recoverable district. Market research is supported by exemplary flat estimation based on similar properties.

Za wszelaka pomoc dziekuje
najpierw meryt.
...*master thesis is made an attempt - lepiej ..is an analysis of the property....
potentate - nie slyszalam, zeby to slowo bylo w takim konteksie uzywane.
...in the region of the most economic potential in Poland, namely the area of Z.D...
...characterized by high demand during its golden age...
...the property market is slowly becoming revitilized after the crisis, which was a direct consequence of the shutting (to slowo jest za colloq. tutaj - moze closing itp)...
Proper (znajdz inne slowo) presentation ...should be done (lepiej, conducted) with recent condition - (co to znaczy?)
dalej cos nie tak w tym zdaniu.
Zdania sa za dlugie, uzywasz slow ktore sie nie uzywa w pisemnym ang. (proper, should be done) Za duzo szczegolow.
Dzieki wielkie, troche poprawilem:

This master thesis is an analysis in property market in the region of the most economy potential in Poland, namely the area of Zagłębie Dąbrowskie. This district has been characterized by high demand its golden age . At this moment property market slowly becoming revitalized after crisis, which was a consequence of closing collieries, foundries and industrial plants. The appropriate presentation of property market research should be conducted with recent situation but it also depends on shaping the development of recoverable district. Market research is supported by exemplary flat estimation based on similar properties.
...analysis OF property market.... of the most economic potential...
...by high demand during its golden age (19xx..-xxx.)
Zamiast - 'at this moment' to lepiej 'Currently, the property market is undergoing revitalisation after the crisis caused by the closure of collieries.....
nastepne zdanie nie jest dobre - cos trzeba zmienic
A property market research should be conducted/undertaken on the current situation - dalej nie rozumie -
...exemplary flat estimation - nie rozumie co masz na mysli - based on similar properties (gdzie?)
Możr zatem początek taki?:

This master thesis is an attempt at an analysis of the property market in Zagłębie Dąbrowskie. The region, formng a part of the Górnośląski Okręg Przemysłowy indusrialized zone, enjoyed high demand for property during the heavy industry heyday. At present the property market is undergoing revitalisation after the crisis caused by the closure of collieries, foundries, and industrial plants.
Ok poprawilem do tego momentu :

This master thesis is an analysis of property market in the region of the most economic potential in Poland, namely the area of Zagłębie Dąbrowskie. This district has been characterized by high demand its golden age (1960-1990) . Currently, the property market is undergoing revitalization after crisis caused by the closure of collieries, foundries and industrial plants. A property market research should be conducted on the current situation......

z reszta mam problem - po polsku bedzie cos kol tego
...a takze wziąć pod uwagę kierunek rozwoju rynku nieruchomości regenerującego się regionu

Ostanie zdanie mialo znaczyc mniej wiecej to:

Analizę rynku poparłem przykładową wyceną lokali opartych na bazie nieruchomości podobnych.
Może dalej tak:

A solid property market analisys in this kind of area should be based on the current situation as well as on the development potential of the reclaimed post-industrial terrains. This work has used estimated pricing of comparable properties for simulations.
Ok Finalnie wyglada tak :

This master thesis is an analysis of property market in the region of the most economic potential in Poland, namely the area of Zagłębie Dąbrowskie. This district has been characterized by high demand its golden age (1960-1990) . Currently, the property market is undergoing revitalization after crisis caused by the closure of collieries, foundries and industrial plants. A property market research should be conducted on the current situation as well as on the development potential of the reclaimed post-industrial terrains. This work has used estimated pricing of comparable properties for simulations

THX wielkie dla was , jak byscie mieli jakies zastrzezenia to walcie jak w dym. Jutro rano drukuje - ale zajrze tu czy aby....
Anyway THX
...by high demand DURING its golden age..
...after THE crisis caused by the closure...
Reszta ideal. Sam chyba powiesz, ze teraz lepiej -
Ano super , jeszcze raz dzieki wielkie i pozdro !
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.