najpierw meryt.
...*master thesis is made an attempt - lepiej an analysis of the property....
potentate - nie slyszalam, zeby to slowo bylo w takim konteksie uzywane. the region of the most economic potential in Poland, namely the area of Z.D...
...characterized by high demand during its golden age...
...the property market is slowly becoming revitilized after the crisis, which was a direct consequence of the shutting (to slowo jest za colloq. tutaj - moze closing itp)...
Proper (znajdz inne slowo) presentation ...should be done (lepiej, conducted) with recent condition - (co to znaczy?)
dalej cos nie tak w tym zdaniu.
Zdania sa za dlugie, uzywasz slow ktore sie nie uzywa w pisemnym ang. (proper, should be done) Za duzo szczegolow.