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Most parents mistakenly reckon that forbidding the teenagers to watch TV or surf the Internet helps them bring up a growing child. But the adults have not comprehended yet that keeping control over the children is better solution than forcing them to resign from their favourite entertainment. If the parents knew exactly what might bring about the aggresion among young people, a lot of accidents causing by them would never happen. How big is the media influence on the children? Is the crime joined together with what the teenagers are offered by computers or TV-sets? This very interesting topic is open to question.

At first, it is necessary to scrutinize some facts closely so that it would be clear what an exaggeration and what the truth is. Every third teenagerman who regularly plays the computer games dreams about being a hero from his display screen. Unfortunately, this number is getting bigger and bigger year by year. Three years ago, a survey were carried out in order to check how many prisoners used the computer before being sent to prison. The scientists put this question to the youngest criminalists and it turned out that more than 80 percent teenagers used to play the computer games in which there were plenty of bloody shots. They said that regularly using the computer within only nine months, they had not been able to recognize if they were still killing other enemies in the virtual world or they were going through the town. Keeping on talking, they confessed to not having been sure whether or not it was right to kill any human being or rob an old woman. It shows how important the computer and the television may become for the children. It is demanded to ask the question: “Where were their parents while they were forgetting what is right and wrong?”

As it was said, the grown-ups who decided to have any son or daughter should keep control over all their children. Being involved in a lot of work, some parents could not meet their requirements. That is the reason why their kids wanted to find somebody which would play a role of both the parents. For such young people everyone seems to be nice and friendly, therefore even a smiling broadcaster from the TV screen might be a perfect model. Not only do the teenagers look for a person with good appereance but they want also to have fun sitting in front of the TV-set so they very often choose such films that show action, aggresion or bleeding people. Now, it is beyond doubt that they will never get bored. After some weeks spent alone at home they may feel like living and behaving like the models they have been watching for one month on the screen. Killing, robbing, raping – it is nothing wrong. Nobody talks to them so they do not know if the model they selected is right or wrong. It is obligatory to repeat the question: “Where are the parents? Is the work more important than the future of their kids?”

Anybody who is left stranded with the computer or the television is in danger since they do not have any idea which behaviour models are the best for them. To sum up, it must be claimed that media has a huge influence on the psyche of teenagers. In a very short time one stupid computer game might take the place of one of the parents. In spite of this fact the grown-ups do not think about it and they let a four-year-old kid stay in forgetting to explain how big danger may be caused by media, which has been all around us. All the children must be said which difference there is between the virtual and real world. Although it’s so hard nowadays to find enough time for the child, it is necessary to spend at least one hour daily with him and explain what the world would look like if everybody were allowed to rob, rape or kill.
...a lot of accidents CAUSED by them would never happen...



Business English