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Discrimination on the job market. Is the gender, age, colour of skin or sexual orientation important while applying for a job? Is it right or wrong?

It is not an easy thing to get a job nowadays. Especially in developing countries such as Poland where the unemployment rate is very high and the competition on the job market is very hard. You must be well educated, expirienced and ambitious to get the job you want. It is also good to have some important aquaintances, to know people who may support you while applying for a job. In spite of this there are some factors because of which you might not get the job. Some social groups are discriminated while considering their candidatures for certain reasons. If you are a member of one of those groups, your chance to get the job is getting smaller. Mostly it is not fair and there are organizations fighting for rights of people who are in any way discriminated. There are also countries which are non-democratic and any acting against the gouverment is banned. Fortunately Poland is a country of ful democracy and the probability of discrimination is not as huge as for example in Belorussia or in China. But still we cannot say that we are living in a country which is free of biasing. There are still certain groups which are prefered to get a job or to reach the top and also groups being not prefered and having no chances albeit having the same qualifications.
First case I want to talk about concerns a half of humans population. It is discrimination of women which is still alive even in countries where the emancipation took place more than hundred years ago. According to many comperative studies which were conducted lately, women earn less comparing to men having the same jobs. Men are prefered while applying for a promotion. It is hard for a woman to reach a high position in a company. There are several reasons why companies disfavour women. First of all females are believed to be less interested in career and not to be as ambitious and creative as males. Certainly, if a woman wants to be succesful, she mostly has to devote all her time to her job what already means not to have enough time for the family and children. Very often such women decide not to have any children. So companies are afraid that women they employed can choose being more familiare and decide to get pregnant what makes them do maternity leave. In this case the company has to look for a new employee. But still it is not fair to women, while giving them less salary is not only unfair, it is blameworthy.
A new phenomenon is ageism - a kind of discrimination because of the age. It concerns mostly people who are not very young any more. They are still able to work well but they are, let's say, over 40 or even over 50 and they do not look as attractive as somebody who is 25. Employers prefer having in a reception someone who is young and good-looking albeit less responsible and expirienced. Anyway, the modern culture shows us pattern of being young and beautiful forever. It leads to frustration because we are all only human beings and the process of getting old is not avoidable.
Racism is not very common in Poland because we do not have many people having other colour of skin than white. But in the USA it is a very big problem - black people are overtly discriminated. Of course there are examples of black people being succesful and respectable, but sadly most of them live in suburbs called "slums", they do not have acces to good schools, they are biased while applying for a job, it is a vicious circle. Since Martin Luther King's time situation of black people has improved but it is still not like it should be. There are many evidences of this - an average salary of blacks is lower, the education level as well, there are only few black actors and actresses in Hollywood... The way to equality of treatment is still long.
Last, but not least kind of discrimination I want to discuss is because sexual orientation. This problem, similar to ageism is quite new, because some time ago it was even banned to talk about homosexuality. Even nowadays many gays and lesbians are afraid of coming-out. So for example in Poland many people believe, homosexuals should not be allowed to take jobs such as teachers, medicians and army officers. They are mistakenely associated with pedophiles and sexual maniacs, it is very sad. Why could be a gay worse teacher or officer than a straight one? In my opinion it is the least important thing while applying for a job, with whom do you sleep. Maybe only in case of prostitutes and porn-actors...
To sum up, the situation on the job market is not fair for all who want to work. There are many clever, intelligent and ambitious people who want to become succesful and to have a great professional career but they are not allowed to because of the circumstaces. The politicians and leaders of the world must give their best to make a really equality of opportunities for all the people over the world, to make the life fair. But it is also well knoiwn that it is impossible... there are to many people who do not think like that, maybe it is also a case of the human nature which is cruel and selfish. Nevertheless we still have to aim to this unreal ideal to make the world a better place according to lyrics of Michael Jackson's song "Heal the world".
Roberciq - krotkie to nie jest - ale poprawilam -
...competition is very 'hard'
experienced - spelling
In spite of this, there are some factors...which may contribute towards you not getting the job after all.
...your change of GETTING the job diminishes/ is reduced.
Mostly it is not fair - ja bym napisala - 'As this is evidently not fair', there are...
government - spelling
...Poland is a fully democratic country.. which is free of BIAS (nie biasing)
The first case (of discrimination) that I want to discuss concerns half of the human population.
...more than A hundred years ago.
...women earn less when compared to men in the same position.
...less interested in A career and ..
successful - spelling
...she has to devote most of her time to her job, consequently she will not have enough time for her family and children.
So companies are afraid that women they employ will choose to start a family and will decide to become pregnant, which results in having to take maternity leave.
It concerns mostly people who are not very young (tu niestety musisz napisac wiek co to znaczy not very young?) any more. They are still able to work well but they are, let's say, over 40 or even over 50 and they do not look as attractive as somebody who is 25. (Czy jeszcze ludzie ponad 40 istnieja?)
experienced - spelling (widze, ze lubisz to slowo 'albeit')
...having a colour of skin other than white.
access - spelling
Ja bym napisala - Since M.L. K's 'I have a dream speech' the situation of blacks... (niewiem czy lepiej nie pasuje tutaj slowo 'negro')
Last, but not least, I want to discuss discrimination because OF sexual orientation. This problem, similar to ageism is quite
new, (problem zawsze byl) because previously, the subject was tabboo.
medicians - moze lepiej - doctors
Why should a gay teacher or officer be worse than a straight one? In my opinion the aspect of whom you sleep with is the least important while aplying for a job. Maybe only in case of prostitutes and porn-actors... (tez sa ludzmi - tutaj dajesz swoja opinie i troszeczke ich ublizasz)
...leaders of the world must DO their best...
zapomnialam - ...competition is very 'fierce'.
Dorzuciłbym jeszcze od siebie:

If you are a member of one of those group, your chance to get the job GETS smaller. (chyba tu nie trzeba continuous?)
But still we cannot say that we LIVE in a country...
There are still certain groups - dałbym: PARTICULAR groups
They are MISTAKENLY associated
...the situation on the job market is not fair TO all who want to work.
...really equality of opportunities for people ALL over the world...
But it is also WELL-KNOWN...
There are TOO many people...
...we still have to AIM AT this unreal ideal...

moze nie 'gets smaller' ale diminishes.
wieeeeelkie dzieki Wam obojgu, boscy jestescie :)

jak sie wymawia to fierce? fajersi ?

not very young - a jakby wykreslic very? who are not young? bo tak glupio podawac lata, zalezy od przypadku, jeden szefuncio moze sobie zyczyc, zeby sekretarka byla under 30 drugi sie zadowoli under 40 a jeszcze inny bedzie chcial "nastke".
o co Ci chodzi z tym istnieneim ludzi po 40? :P Bo nie wiem do czego to przypinasz

lubie slowo albeit bo moja ex-nauczycielka angielskiego twierdzila, ze jest to bardzo ladne slowko, a ja ta nauczycielke uwielbialem :)

co do slowa black - jest taki translator internetowy rosyjsko - angielski, ktory slowko black tlumaczy zawsze jako "Afroamerykanec" w wyniku czego przezabawne rzeczy wychodza ;) to tak na marginesie ;)

z porn-stars rzeczywiscie faux-pas, przepraszam :( no ale chodzilo mi o to ze w ich przypadku orientacja seksualna jest znaczacym czynnikiem przy wyborze profesji, a raczej rodzaju tej profesji. Bo jest.

do their best..... bleh znowu germanizm, sein bestes geben.... matko ile jeszcze bede robil germanizmy w angielskim no polonizmy logiczne ze robie ale to germanizmy to juz chore.... :]
"germanizmy to juz chore"

Uebertreibe nicht ;-)
co ja mam powiedzieć, skoro w POLSKIM robię germanizmy :> o angielskim to już lepiej nie będę wspominać... :P :-)
Mi się nie zdarza mylić ang i niem. Te języki są tak różne :P Mimo wszystko.
>Mi się nie zdarza mylić ang i niem.

Mnie też nie, ale to pewnie dlatego, że po niemiecku potrafie powiedziec tylko "arbaitet" (czy jak tam to sie pisze). Zawsze jak taty kolega z Niemiec dzwoni to mu krzycze arbaitet i wiadomo oco chodzi :-D
arbeitet :P

szwajcar powie arbeitet przez ei nawet :P

no akurat Weronika, Krzysiek i ja duzo lepiej znamy niemeicki niz angielski :]
Do you think that my English leaves something to be desired? :>
Krzysiek, bitte, atme tief, atme tief... :-)
Einer meiner guten Bekannten wuerde sagen "Alder, lass dich ziehen..." ;)
nie o to chodzi, ja po prostu nie mam nawet czego mylić :P :D
mój angielski jest tak słaby, że można powiedzieć, że go nie ma :-)
Są różne, zgadzam się...
Wie du dir wünschst, mach' ich mich aus dem Staub. :-(
come back, come back darling, ino migiem... ;)
Why "atme tief" ?:P
An Deiner Stelle wuerde ich sagen: "Sterbe schneller, Weronika":P :D Obwohl ich an Deiner Stelle nicht bin, sage ich es sowieso. :-)
He didn't tell, that your English is bad :-)
Er hat nur geschrieben, dass Dein Deutsch besser als Dein Englisch ist :-) Stimmt das? :-) Ich frage danach, weil ich es nicht beurteilen kann.
Ty budesz' jeszczo pisat' po-russkom jazyke? :> Tut ty tol'ko ne pisal po-russkom jazyke. :)
jak Wy się kochacie... :D
Aż mi dech zapiera :P
Łyn młeże płe rusku, a jy płe kaszebsky, ino tacich liter na klawiaturze ni mum.
Paseje to wuma? :D
Wer hat dir so etwas gesagt? :> Ich bringe diesen Menschen, der diese Sache ans Licht gebracht hat, um!
Oooo! Jetzt bin ich wirklich gluecklich, weil Du mich umbringen musst!! :D
Niemand hat mir das gesagt. Ich bin so "klug", dass ich es selber bemerkt habe :D
Verwundert? :D
Erzähl das nicht weiter! Das muss unser Geheimnis bleiben. :-)
Aber Du wolltest mich umbringen :-((
Anderenfalls werde ich das weiter erzaehlen.
Ich habe aber nicht gesagt, dass ich dich umbrächte! Im Gegensatz. Robert und ich müssen uns um Dich kümmern, um in Zukunft auch solche netten Dinge hören zu können. :)
"Ich bringe diesen Menschen, der diese Sache ans Licht gebracht hat, um!" ---> das hast Du doch gesagt:-)
Aber ich will, dass Du mich umbringst :P

Welche nette Dinge??? :-) Du hast nichts gehoert. Du liest nur :-)
Roberciq -
Te esseje twoje sa b. dobre - poprawki tylko zeby one byly wspaniale -
fierce - zobacz w slowniku - ale mnie wiecej (zblizone do polskiego- fiiess)
not very young - moze lepiej napisac 'not very young looking or attractive'-
A z tymi po 40 to niestety byl moj glupi zart - bo teraz mamy wrazenia ze wszyscy chca byc mlodzi, mlodo wygladac, mlodo sie zachowywac - malo sie przyznaje ze sa po 40tce)
ja tez lubie slowo - 'albeit' -
teraz w ramach PC - to mysle, ze slowo AfroAmerican - raczej niz black czy negro tez powinno byc uzywane
o matko, a tu co się dzieje? forum niemiecko - rosyjsko - angielsko - kaszubskie?????? :-) pozdrawiam wszystkich znajomych z forum niemieckiego !
Und wie dachtest Du meine liebe Schwesterchen? :-) Gruesst Du mich auch? :D
Kaszebści jązek Ce so nie widzi?? ("-dzi" nie czyta się jak zmiękczenie) :-)
Ja nie gawarit pa ruski. Ich kann nur sagen: Mienia zawód Weronika. Und bin sowieso nicht sicher, ob ich es gut geschrieben habe :P
I am here :-)
SISTER...I am here too. But I didn't ask if you are here:-)
Heeeeeeeeeere I aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaam and I wait for your love, like an aaaaangel, I say fly to my heart :-)
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