dziwne zdanko

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I'm surprised that he should haven't passed exams.

Czy to zdanie jest poprawne? Nie pasuje mi to kompletnie.
nie, to zdanie nie jest standard English -
bo *I am surprised that he should have not passed exams - nie jest
to chyba powinno byc...I am surprised that he did not pass his exams. He should have passed them.
nope terri , it's utterly correct


Should is also used in 'that' clause after adjectives expressing pleasure, surprise, shock, disapproval .in sentences of the pattern

subject + to be + adjective + that clause

I'm horrified that he should have told anyone.
I'm surprised that he should haven't passed his exams
I'm delighted that you should have kissed me:D
bzdura merix
nie ma "should haven't"
jest "should not have passed"
You are right merix. This structure exists in English but the negative is wrong. Therefore correct sentence is: I'm surprised that he shouldn't have passed his exams. The other two examples, since they are positive-are correct. Having said that I've never heard anybody speak like that except in English grammar books. Normally people say "would" instead of "should" and that's the meaning.
merix, just look at this sentence, forget about grammar rules. Do you still think it's 'uttely correct?':

I'm surprised that he should haven't passed exams.
You are right merix

I know

This structure exists in English but the
>negative is wrong.

You can't defy as I took it directly from Grammar BOOK

Normally people say
>"would" instead of "should" and that's the meaning.

True. In grammar books you can only across as such.:D
come across...
would is AmE, should is BrE in this construction.
>You can't defy as I took it directly from Grammar BOOK

You should study your grammar books more thoroughly because what you write is ungrammatical let alone ridiculous.
you can't defy my sentencebecause I took it from the grammar book

Are you happy!!??
No one's perfect and mistakes always happens!!
Even thouth, you strive for perfection ,it is impossible to avoid them.
Especially when you write so fast as I do!!

>No one's perfect and mistakes always happens!!

That's right! And it applies to grammar books, too. Whoever wrote your grammar book, has made a mistake.

Are you happy now?
not quite!!

but not gonna to hold you would get bored, really!!!
It's a loooong story!!

Even thouth, you strive for perfection ,it is impossible to avoid
>Especially when you write so fast as I do!!

Actually, merix, writing fast cannot be an excuse for your mistakes. I type fairly fast - 80 words per minute, and sure, I'll make an error here and there, but not as many as you do.

You HAVE TO improve your grammar and sentence structure, and stop saying that it's because you write fast. It's not.
>>but not gonna to hold you forth

not gonna to hold you forth?

WHAT is this?
>nope terri , it's utterly correct

Nope, you are an utter, unqualified dope.
>You are right merix.
You are wrong, as so is the twerp. Do yoy really want to be promoted to moron?
o, look who's back - fucking fault finder!!

Bagger off you fucking looser, moron, Y-man, dumbheaded dope, stock of shit...............

I would multiply. You are so silly writing such insultive things that I'm not gonna to make you proud of reading the word you are using in your everyday (indeed abnormal) life.

Go and find your mind cuz your idiocy is beyond any normal understanding.
Do you suggest that there's a mistake in this book? I wish I knew what the author and the title of it is.
Whoever wrote
>your grammar book, has made a mistake.

Martunia took her sentence from a grammar book and Merix picked his explanation from another one.
It's the same book but unfortunately I don't know the title and the author of it. If I knew, I could find it and read the whole chapter.
Merix, can you tell me the title of the book?
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