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Dear Aunt Michelle,

Since two years I have been living with my friend in London. I have studying of medicine here.

Unfortunately I have problem with my flat-mate. She is horrible snoring. I can not sleep in the night. I am sleepy. I try clog my ears pillow. Nevertheless I hear still her snoring. I don't know what to do.

Please could you advise me on how to stop him snoring? What I can I do?

Yours sincerely, XYZ.

Z góry dziękuję za pomoc !!!!
>Dear Aunt Michelle,
>Since two years I have been living with my friend in London. I have BEEN
>studying (bez "of") medicine here/I study medicine here.
>Unfortunately (wstaw przecinek) I have A problem with my flat-mate. She is horriblY snoring. I cannot (albo cannot albo can't) sleep AT night AND I am sleepy (można dodać: all the time). I try clog my ears
>pillow (to zdanie zupełnie bym zmieniła, np. na: I put the pillow on my head not to hear her). Nevertheless (wstaw przecinek) I still HEAR her snoring (albo: Nevertheless, she still disturbs me). I don't know what to do.
>Dould you PLEASE advise me on how to stop him (him or her?) snoring? What (bez I) can I do?
>Yours sincerely,
bardzo dziękuję
malenkie poprawk:
zamiast ..since two years - moze lepiej ..For the last two years I have...
.She is horriblY snoring- lepiej she snores horribly.
>zamiast ..since two years - moze lepiej ..For the last two years I have.

Oops ;-)


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