pytania do poprawy

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Czy te pytania są dobrze:
1. Why are the areas being given money by the European Union?
2. What do they want to use the money to? (Do czego chcą użyć pieniędzy? tak ma być)
3. What are they interested in?
4. What will encourage bussines to move in South England?
5. Jakie korzyści mogą być spowodowane przez tunel? - What could/can be benefits because of the Tunnel? (?)
6. What can promote the area?
7. Why do they offer money to help companies?
8. What do they want to build to/in order to promote the area?
1. ok
2....use the money FOR?
3. ok
4....businesses to move into the South of England?
5. mozna tak - What benefits can the Tunnel bring?
6. How can the area be promoted?
7. help the companies?
8. in order to..
dzięki, a te:
1. What do we ingnore in nowadays Europe?
2. How do the people in different countries ask to the phone? Jak ludzie z różnych krajów proszą do telefonu
3. What is the main problem in comunicate beetween Europeans?
4. What can start a fight in Irish restaurant?
5. Why does all unfortunately go unreported?
6. What are we albe to explain, when we use history?
7. What do the Peter Collet's guide treat of?
8. What are journlists afraid to write about?
1 napisz to zdanie po polsku
2. do people ....ask someone to come to the phone - ale to niezgrabne zdanie.
3. ...communication between..
4. Guinness
5. napisz to po polsku
6. to explain by history?
7.napisz to po polsku
8....journalists ....ok