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Dear Sir,
I am writing to complain about the trip organized through your tourist office. The trip to Brighton took place in days from 18 to 30 on July.
I want to express my strong dissatisfaction with accomodation. After arrival to Brighton showe that, it is self-catering accomodation. I was having buy and prepare food. The hotel guests were too noisy and the hotel staff was rude. Besides this place was full of mosquitoes. In programme of trip assured about tasty food, quiet, silence and comfort.
I am indignant with reason incompetence of the guide's. He was unreliable. The programme of trip was monotonous and uninteresting. The tourist office promised something else.
I would therefore be grateful if you could consider a full refund of 150 pound. I hope that I will not be forced to undertake different workings.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Yours faithfully.
The trip to Brighton took place in days (dlaczego napisalas 'in days') from 'the' 18 to 'the' 30 on (dlaczego tutaj napisalas 'on') July.
I want to express my strong dissatisfaction with 'the' accomodation.
After arrival to (nie 'to' you arrive 'in') Brighton showe (nierozumie tego slowa) that, it is self-catering accomodation. I was having 'to' buy and prepare 'the' food 'myself'.
In 'the' programme of tripS 'you' assured 'me' about tasty food, quiet,
silence and comfort. (Mozna tez - ...I was assured of...)
I am indignant with reason (moze 'total') incompetence of the guide's.(dlaczego tutaj napisalas guide's - czy masz na mysli guide?) The programme of tripS was monotonous and uninteresting.
of..'the full cost of' 150 poundS. I hope that I will not be forced to undertake 'a' different 'course of action' workings.(niewiem co masz na mysli z tym 'workings')
*in days--> w dniach, od..dorn*on? nei wiem co ma być z mieisącami, jaki przyimekrn*przepraszam za błąd, ma być showed- okazło się (??)rn*tak mam na myśli guide- przewodnik, chciałam napisać niekompetencja przewodnikarn*workings- działaniarnrnDziękuję za poprawę tego tekstu :)
'in days' niepotrzeba pisac, bo podajesz date od..(from) do (to) - to musialo byc w tych dniach. 'guide' - bez '. workings - nie, lepiej uzyj 'course of action'.


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