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I think my friend Kasia is the person I most admire. She was sick and nobody don`t give her chance on to live (nikt nie awal jej szans na przezycie) but she (nie poddawala sie). Everyone was thinked that she don`t give (nie da sobie rady). But she was occuped other person who was sick like her. She hepled a few person who was a sick and they get well thanks her help. She get well yet and for this the moment she has helped every sick people.(ona rozniez wyzdrowiala i do tej pory pomaga innym chorym)
poleceniem jest opisanie osoby ktora mi czyms zaimponowala
I think my friend Kasia is the person I admire most. She was sick and nobody believed she would survive, but she did not give up. Everyone thought she would not cope with her illness. Although she was sick herself yet she was able to take care of another person who was sick just like her. She helped a few sick persons and they recovered thanks to her help. She also recovered and since then she has been helping everybody who is sick.
Moze lepiej:
She helped a few sick 'people' and they recovered...
I think my friends Kasia is the person I admire the most. She was sick and nobody gave her any chances to live but she didn't give up. Everyone thought she wouldn't manage.One day she met a person who was as sick as she. Many people got well because of her help. She's got well, and she's hepled others since then.
wydanie 2. poprawione :P

I think my friend Kasia is the person I admire the most. She was sick and nobody gave her any chances to live but she didn't give up. Everyone thought she won't manage. One day she met a person who was as sick as she. Many people got well because of her help. Now she’s healthy and helps others.

Uważam, że moja przyjaciółka Kasia jest najbardziej podziwianą przeze mnie osobą. Buła chora i nikt nie dawał jej żadnych szans na życie, ale nie poddała się. Każdy myślał, że nie da rady. Pewnego dnia spotkała osobe, która była tak chora jak ona. Wielu ludzi wyzdrowiało z jej pomocą. Teraz jest zdrowa i pomaga innym.