HELP ME!!!!!!!!:((((

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Moze zechcialby mi ktos pomoc w korekcie tego glupiego wypracowania :(

Nic nie umiem.... ;(

Niech ktos bedzie tak mily... i mi pomoze?? :(

Z gory dziekuje :(

Dear Ania,

My name is Magda and I’m from Poland. I live in small city- ***** I live in small flat with two people: my mum and dad and also me.
My mum works in a school, and my dad is a doctor.
I’m thirteen years old. I’m tall and slim. I have blue eyes and
Curly hairs. I ‘ am very active person so I’m spending a lot of my time with friend on a school-ground.
We always play volleyball and basketball, but sometimes we are playing football with boys.
I am crazy about music. I like Techno and POP, sometimes I have to go on a soap opera with my parents. I am also keen on computer games, one of my favorite games is Tomb Rider and The angel of Darkness. My cousin – Maciek, is crazy about Tibia Game, but I can’t stand this game. It’s very boring. What do you think about my hobbies? Maybe you’re keen on sport or music like me?

Now it’s all about me. How about you? : )

