voluntary work - topic

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1)proszę o sprawdzenie i ewentualne poprawki. To nie jest wypracowanie pisemne tylko wypowiedź ustna... Z góry dziękuję

Unpaid voluntary work - only for wealtchy idealists or for everyone? What are its adventages and drawbacks from the perspective of today's job market

In the word are many people who need our help. Hungry and weak beggars, homeless and ill people - they all need our help.
At first I think that voluntary work isn't unpaid. It is true, we don't take money for this, but we make other profits. For example we can meet new people and make some friendships, maybe even fall in love. We also give a good example of behaving to others.
On the other hand from the perspective today's job market voluntary work is only or nearly only for rich people. Nowdays we have in Poland a lot of difficulties to get a job and to earn a living. The most part of our society can't disinteresting help other people, because they have their own problems. Of course all depent on man. Though we don't have time and money we sometimes help others but generally we don't do this. We think only about ourself. We don;t have time because we have to learn, then wo look for job. When we find a permanent work, we must earn a living. Also we must help our family and we have nearly no time for us.
In conclude I can say that todays difficult times in the word don't favour voluntary work