
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Czy moglibyscie mi podpowiedzieć, czy zdanie:
Where ( live , you ) when the war began?

może być zrobione na dwa sposoby?

- Where were you living when the war began?
- Where did you live when the war began?
Absolutely yes.
Question 1 implies that your roundabouts were temporary, whereas Question 2 deals with your permanent place of living.
your 'roundabouts'?
I knew it would be only you, mg, to notice the problem with the word. Could you give us all the right word in that context, please?
Thanks a lot, mg. I've just returned from town to find your response at the forum. See ya later.
I guess there's many roundabouts in your town ;)
Temat przeniesiony do archwium.