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Unpaid voluntary work- only for wealthy idealists or for everyone? what are its advantages and drawbacks from the perspective of today's job market?

When we are hearing about a voluntary work we are thinking about a work which brings any profits. Volunteer work makes we think of organizations which help people or animals, fund raising or charitable campaigns. Every day we hear something about working for charity in TV or we read in newspapers. But we don’t thing about people who are volunteers. Very often we are thinking that this are only famous and rich people. But in volunteer organizations works lots of common people. And in this moment appears the questions. For who is unpaid voluntary work- only for wealthy idealists or for everyone? And what are its advantages and drawbacks from the perspective of today’s job market?
In present- day voluntary work is very often only for wealthy idealistic or for people who have lots of money or they have o well- paid job and volunteer work is supplementary occupation.
I think that unpaid voluntary work should be for everyone who want help people or animals as a volunteer. But today people have to have a work which is profitable, because money is very important, we need it to live. That’s why opinion about people who are volunteers and this is their only work is very common- they are idealistic.
The most important advantage of voluntary work is helping. When we work as a volunteer we could help people or animals which need our help. We can do something good in our live. When we have charitable work we can realize our personal goals, this work gives us satisfaction. This work gives us also experiences, which can be useful in our future work. When we are young in this kind of work we can learn something about our character and we can develop new skills and abilities.
This kind of work is very hard and time-consuming. This is the main drawback. People who are volunteers very often are responsible, diligent, brave and persistent. They are capable of making sacrifices. This all is not comparable to benefits which gives this work. Satisfaction is very important, but it is insufficient to live. People need financial profits.
On the one hand today’s job market needs volunteers, because they work very hard and they work is important . but on the others hand this kind of work from the perspective of today's job market is only wealthy people who are able to donate money for charity. The majority of our society isn't able to help others selflessly because it has its own problems. It is very hard to find a job and people don’t want work which is unpaid.
To sum up I would say that today is difficult time for voluntary work and people are not favourable to this kind of work.


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