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Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Temat: "Negatywne konsekwencje webaholizmu."

Webaholism is a dependence on the Internet linked with an abnormally strong need to use it for web browsing and communicating, being unable to tear oneself away from the world-wide web and lossing interest in the reality. This addiction can have numerous negative consequences.
First of all, it is believed that webaholism can destroy normal relationships between people. Nowadays, people are inclined to stay at home in front of a computer instead of going out with their acquantances. Since the Net has almost unlimited capacities, it can become a substitute for friends. Also, it is a shelter for the bashful. Forums and chatting rooms enable shy people to talk openly and feel confident. As some people feel more comfortable in virtual relationships, they start to isolate themselves from the real friends, which can in time make them anti-social. Although they are self-assured on the computer, they crawl into their shells and cannot cope with daily life. Webaholism also weakens family ties. Unfortunately, it is common that it is parents who are addicted to the Net.
Futhermore, webaholism is a source of pejorative cultural changes. Due to the necessity of faster writing on the Internet, a new language has been created. Unfortunately, it is trivial and spread very swiftly. Needless to say, users of the Internet make many spelling mistakes. As a result, people who spend a lot of time surfing the Net start writing and talking incorrectly, which assumes the proportions of a social phenomenon.
Another drawback is that unrestricted access to the world-wide web is conductive to crime. The flood of naive Internet-addicted people is being cheated and used by people who want to make money on them, which is closely connected with pornography, fraud and deception. What is more, boredom induces some webaholics to do hacking as well as blackmailing. They also set webpages, blogs and forums that in time become forgotten and transform into spam. Besides, webaholics lose the sense of legality. For instance, they accept piracy and practise it.
As far as education is concerned, students who spend all spare time surfing the Net fail in their duties regarding study. This feature interrelates with worsening of grades and no successes at school.
Apart from this, youngsters who are addicted to the Net become slowly indifferent to the reality and lose gradually their interests. As a consequence, their personality undergoes changes. Owing to their having no passion and no thirst for achievement, they are unable to work their way up. What is more disturbing, they cannot find happiness in life. Not to mention the fact that in extreme cases, cyber-fixation is the reason for pathological behaviour. Teenagers very often come across websites that encourage them to act up or even to commit suicide and some of them swallow the bait.
Finally, addiction to the Internet influences health in a negative way. Spending long periods of time on playing online games and surfing the Net can lead to backache while staring at a screen for hours at a time is damaging to the eyes.
All things considered, webaholism is a twenty-first century disease, which affects both young and old people all over the world. It is high time to start discussing the problem of internet-addiction and working it out.

Dzięki za uwagę;)
to pilne:((( help me...
>to tear oneself away

może detach/disconnect oneself from byloby lepiej


interest in XXX reality.
destroy normal relationships between people.
może bez normal i po prostu 'relations'

>home in front of THE computer
>acquantances. - sprawdź pisownię w słowniku

they start to isolate themselves from the (bez THE) real friends,
>which can in time make them anti-social.
which, in time, can

Although they are self-assured on the computer
lepiej on-line

they crawl BACK into their shells

>Unfortunately, it is common that it is parents

za duzo itis.
it is commonly parents who...

> Futhermore, webaholism is a source of pejorative cultural changes.
negative/unwelcome/deleterious changes

>Due to the necessity of faster writing on the Internet,

As you need to write faster when on-line

a new language has been created.
has evolved

Unfortunately, it is trivial and spread very swiftly.
is spreading, has spread? at a fast rate (swiftly dla mnie ma pozytywne konotacje)

>start writing and talking incorrectly, which assumes the proportions
>of a social phenomenon.

incorrectly, a phenomenon that is becoming a social trend

>conductive to crime.


The flood of naive Internet-addictS
the flood of being ceated - nie, raczej ' masses are being cheated'

They also set UP webpages, blogs and forums that in time

> As far as education is concerned, students who spend all spare time
>surfing the Net fail in their SCOOL OR COLLEGE duties
This LEADS INEVITABLY TO THE worsening of grades and no successes at school.

>become slowly indifferent
slowly indifferent??
slowly become indifferent, ale lepiej slowly lose touch with reality

>and lose gradually their interests.
gradually lose

>having no passion
no off-line interests??

>and no thirst for achievement,
or thirst

What is more disturbing, they cannot find happiness
More disturbingly, ...
albo What is more disturbing is that
Even more disturbing is the fact that...

>in life. Not to mention the fact
przecinek przed 'not'

> Finally, addiction to the Internet influences health in a negative
>way. Spending long periods of time on playing online games and surfing

time playing.
I spent 2 hours watching tv etc.

conclusion jest za krotkie moim zdaniem.

Gdzie się uczysz?
dzięki wielkie:)
w jakim sensie gdzie?;)
gdzie, szkola srednia czy uczelnia?