The good and bad sides of our school

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I joined my school about a year ago. I would like to show some good and bad sides of it.

First of all the atmosphere in this school is very friendly. Although there are many students, everybody are easy going and it is not a problem to meet great, new people. In our school work highly skilled teachers who are creating a nice atmosphere in there. They are kind and get on with students very well. They often help us when we need their help in learning. Classes are interesting, because teachers are creative and have many good ideas. There is an elevator in my school so it is adapted for handicapped students. We have also a lunchroom with a school-shop. It is one of the most liked places, where students spend their free time during the breaks. Finally, in my school there are a lot of pretty girls.

On the other hand, the lessons sometimes start at 7:10 – then we are very sleepy and unable to work. Secondly, I always have to wait few minutes for my jacket from the schools cloak-room. It is really confusing.

Summing up, I really like my school. There are much more good than bad sides. I have good conditions for learning in my school and I would undoubtedly recommend it for my younger colleagues.
I would like to DESCRIBE some OF ITS good and bad sides.
everybody IS easy going

In our school work highly skilled teachers - SZYK ZDANIA NIE JEST ANGIELSKI
Można np. The teachers are highly skilled and create ...


Secondly, I always have to wait A few minutes
the school's cloak-room.
It is really confusing. - MASZ MĘTLIK W GŁOWIE Z TEGO POWODU? Confusing?

There are MANY more good than bad sides TO STUDYING HERE

>undoubtedly recommend it TO my younger FRIENDS.
colleague to kolega z pracy

To jest poziom intermediate, tak? Na FCE to trochę za prosty język moim zdaniem
dzieki za pomoc,

"confusing" zamienilem na "irritating"

co do slownictwa.. no coz.. jest ono w moim wydaniu skromne, nie da sie ukryc ;[


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