proszę o sprawdzenie !

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witajcie !
Bardzo pieknie proszę o sprawdzenie tego tekstu:

Reasons why people leave yours country is as many as emigrants. Firstly everyone wants to live there, where he feels safe and happy. Therefore people often emigrate to amend life terms. To find a job or change for better paid. Poeple wants to work for worthy money. They wants to be appreciately. So very good educated young people leave yours country and go there where the great job gives them possibility of better life. Secondly, bad situation in country is the reason of emigration too. Lack of prospects, unemployment and bad economy. Ridiculous political situation and more and more often scandals causes that people lose the hope on good life in country and hold to go to live in different country.

Będę bardzo wdzięczny za każdą poprawkę ! Dzięki !
-powody dla ktorych ludzie opuszczaja twoj kraj, czy swoj?

sporo bledow masz, nawet sie nie trzymasz 1 podmiotu, tylko go zmieniasz jak ci sie podoba, podstawowe bledy typu: brakuje "s" w 3 os l.poj. lub jest tam gdzie byc nie powinno popracuj nad tym jeszcze
Opuszczają poprostu jakiś kraj (mam na myśli ojczyzne) i jadę za granicę.
Pisząc tekst staram się robić to dobrze więc dziwne byłoby gdybym widział jakie błędy robię i dalej je robił ! Proszę więc o poprawę !
Reasons why people leave yours country is as many as emigrants. Firstly everyone wants to live there, where he feels safe and happy. Therefore people often emigrate to amend life terms. To find a job or change for better paid. Poeple want to work for worthy money. They want to be appreciately. So very good educated young people leave yours country and go there where the great job gives them possibility of better life. Secondly, bad situation in country is the reason of emigration too. Lack of prospects, unemployment and bad economy. Ridiculous political situation and more and more often scandals causes that people lose the hope on good life in country and hold to go to live in different country.

OK. Zauważyłem kilka błędów. Poprawione :) ale na pewno jest więcej :( Niestety jeszcze ich nie widzę. Bardzo proszę poprawcie to. Nie jest długie a dla mnie bardzo ważne. Dzięki !
moim zdaniem w pierwszym zdaniu powinno byc tak. Reasons why people leave their countries are as many as emigrants.
moze lepiej...
THE reasons why people...
Firstly everyone wants to live there? where? 'wg mnie 'there' jest niepotrz.
Generalnie, nie zaczyna sie zdania z 'therefore...Therefore people often emigrate to amend 'life terms' (znajdz inny zwrot)
To find a job or change for better paid (better paid what?)
PEOple want to work for 'worthy' (znajdz inne slowo)money.
They want to be appreciateD. So very 'good' (tutaj znajdz inne slowo)(nie mowi sie 'very good educated'...ale ...) educated young people leave your (bez 's') country and go 'there' (wg mnie to there jest niepotrz)
where the 'great job' (znajdz inne slowo - za kolloc) gives them THE possibility
of A better life. Secondly, 'bad' (to znaczy co? - znajdz inne slowo) situation in A country is ALSO A reason of emigration.
...and more often scandals cause (bez 's') 'that' (wg mnie niepotrz) people TO lose the hope oF A good life in A country and 'hold to go' (nierozumiem tego) to go to live in A different country.
THERE ARE as many reasons for leaving one's country as (there are) emigrants.

>Firstly everyone wants to live there, where he feels safe and happy.

bez there.
nie he fells tylko one feels (ostatecznie they feel). Przeciez nie piszesz tylko o mezczyznach

>Therefore people often emigrate to amend life terms.

Therefore mozna zamienic na That is why

amend life terms - improve their standard of living

To find a job or
>change for better paid.

To find a job or change it for a better-paid one.

tylko tyle na razie.
sa jeszcze. moze ktos inny poprawi...
Secondly, bad situation in country is the reason of emigration too. Lack of prospects, unemployment and bad economy. Ridiculous political situation and more and more often scandals causes that people lose the hope on good life in country and hold to go to live in different country.
Secondly, bad situation in country is the reason of emigration too. Lack of prospects, unemployment and bad economy. Ridiculous political situation and more and more often scandals causes that people lose the hope on good life in country and hold to go to live in different country.
-->secondly, bad situation in one's country...
-->and more often scandals cause that people lose their hope [...]good life in their own country and...

p.s sorry za tamte dwa wpisy, niechcący wcisnęłam enter;/
>Secondly, bad situation in country is the reason of emigration too.

Secondly, the country's economic situation is the reason FOR ....

>Lack of prospects, unemployment and bad economy.

This isn't a sentence.

more and more often scandals

more and more frequent

causes people to lose the hope for a decent life in the country

and hold to go to live in different

a to nie wiem co mialo znaczyc;)
>causes people to lose the hope for a decent life in the country

cause (bez s)
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