The house of my
>dreams is surounded by huge garden and behind the house there is a
>swimming pool.
W tym zdaniu brakuje jednego article.
There is a
>big kitchen with the lot off modern and expensive kitchen stuff .
Nie ma czegoś takiego jak "the lot off"
>Dining room is next of the kitchen
Nie "next of" tylko "next to"
> there is a very huge table
"very huge" to masło maślane
>All the room is decorate
tutaj potrzeba past participle od "decorate"
In this villa is a 4 bathrooms and 4 bedroooms but my is the
>bigest one.
4 bathrooms and 4 bedrooms to liczba mnoga więc nie "is" tylko "there are". Liczby napisz słownie.
my bedroom, ale jak bez bedroom, to "mine"
There is a lot of books and my compyter.....
a lot of books and my computer to liczba mnoga więc "there are"
>I very like a spacious places
spacious places to liczba mnoga; "a" niepotrzebne.
nie mówi się "very like" tylko np. I like dogs very much.
Kilka literówek.