Błagam sprawdźcie mi na dziś pros and cons..

Temat przeniesiony do archwium.
Hejka!!!! Błagam was aby ktoś mi sprawdził na dziś :)

Some people see it as very dangerous while others think it is an exciting thing. Whatever your view, there is no doubt ridding on motorbike have many advantages and disadvantages.
There are several arguments in favor of ridding on motorbike. To begin with if you ride on motorbike you mustn’t stay in jam and reach faster everywhere. Furthermore motorbike is cheaper than car. You pay less at fuel.
However, there are also a number of disadvantages to ridding on motorbike. Firstly when you ride on motorbike you run the rick to change weather. In addition riders often die in accident because they ride to fast.
To conclude, I believe that, although ridding on motorbike can be very exciting but also dangerous.
you ride 'A' motorbike,
THE PROS AND CONS OF RIDING ON 'A' MOTORBIKE albo... riding a motorbike
Some people see 'it' (tutaj lepiej napisz co masz na mysli- riding) as A very dangerous (dangerous co? )while others think it is an exciting thing. Whatever your view, there is no doubt THAT riding A motorbike haS many advantages and disadvantages.
There are several arguments in favoUr of riding A motorbike. To
begin with if you ride A motorbike you 'mustn't' (zle slowo -lepiej ..you do not have to) stay in A TRAFFIC 'jam' and reach (tutaj mozna ...your destination faster) faster everywhere. Furthermore A motorbike is cheaper than A car. You USE and pay less FOR fuel.
However, there are also a number of disadvantages to riding A motorbike. Firstly when you ride A motorbike you run the riSk OF changeABLE weather. In addition riders often die in accidentS because they ride toO fast.
To conclude, I believe that, although riding A motorbike can be
very exciting IT IS ALSO dangerous.